Lesson 25 Words with parts Review Spelling Lesson 25 Words with parts Review E05.D.1.2.5: Spell grade-appropriate words correctly.
indecisive in-de-ci-sive
outpatient out-pa-tient
downgrade down-grade
uptight up-tight
acceleration ac-cel-er-a-tion
demolition dem-o-li-tion
pension pen-sion
champion cham-pion
authorization author-i-za-tion
cancellation can-cell-a-tion
autumn au-tumn
knowledge know-ledge
rhyme rhy-me
scenery sce-ner-y
wrestled wrest-led
armies ar-mies
videos vid-eos
shelves shelv-es
radios ra-di-os
tomatoes to-ma-toes