Jude Lesson 2
Review Jude defined himself as a bondservant of Jesus Christ, not His half-brother Brother of James This is a contrast with those who denied Jesus as Master and Lord vs. 4 Purpose: to appeal to the believers to contend earnestly for the faith because ungodly men had crept in unnoticed Most of the letter talks about the ungodly and gives instructions for the believer about them
Called “kletois”: invited; summoned by God to an office or to salvation. The call He gives to all people, so all can receive salvation. Zod. “called is identical with converted” 2 Tim. God calls according to His purpose and grace, not our works 2 Thess. We have been chosen from the beginning, through the gospel to gain the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ
Called 1 Pet. You are a CHOSEN race, royal priesthood, holy nation, a people of God’s own possession Why? So that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you OUT OF darkness, INTO His marvelous light Rom. 8 The called are the ones who love God and they have been called according to His purpose
Beloved in the book of Jude “agapao”: wish well to, take pleasure in, long for, denotes the love of reason, esteem: for the believer, “preferring to live through Christ, actively doing what the Lord prefers” Beloved in God the Father vs. 1 May…love be multiplied to you vs. 2 Beloved are the ones who have a common salvation vs. 3 Recipients had love feasts vs. 12 Contrasted with the ungodly vs. 17-21 Keep yourselves in the love of God vs. 21
Beloved Vs. 1 Greek verb tense is perfect, therefore the beloved were not only once, but continued to be the objects of God’s love Rom. 9 Not only Jews were called beloved, but also Gentiles, who previously were called vessels of wrath, now vessels of His mercy I John 3 GREAT love the Father bestowed on us that we would be called children of God Eph. 5 Be imitators of God as beloved children and walk in love. Walk like Jesus
Kept “tereo”: guard, observe, watch over, to attend to carefully, by guarding to cause one to escape in safety out of. Zod. To keep in safety, preserve, maintain Ant: to make free, deliver, to release, loose Tense: Prefect passive (subject is acted upon) Action in the past, at salvation, with continuing results into the present. God continues to preserve, watch over me.
“Kept” in Jude Vs. 1 Saints are kept for Jesus Christ, so, we have been kept, guarded by God the Father, we are the objects of His permanent, watchful care. Vs. 6 Angels who did NOT keep their domain He has kept in eternal bonds Vs. 21 Keep yourselves in God’s love (our part) Vs. 24 God keeps you from stumbling and presents you blameless with great joy Salvation: God does it ALL!
Contend PURPOSE for Jude’s writing!! “epagonizomai”: to struggle upon appropriately with skill and commitment in opposing whatever is NOT of faith (God’s persuasion) ONLY used in Jude Intense effort as in a wrestling match Tense: Present infinitive, so the Christian is to struggle, earnestly, for the faith and sound doctrine and the gospel, continuously English word would be agony; agonize
Faith “pistis”: God’s divine persuasion, therefore distinct from human belief, yet, involving it. A firm and confiding belief in Jesus and His gospel; the doctrines received and believed. Vs. 1 Once for all, handed down to the saints Gal. Not according to, received or taught by man, but received through a revelation of Jesus Christ Ephesians speaks of unity in the faith I Tim. Some will fall away from the faith
Faith Philippians says to conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel, stand firm in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel I Cor. Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men and be strong Is this needed in our world today? What are we to be on the alert for? We must KNOW sound doctrine, be discerning in sorting out truth from error and willing to confront and attack error WITH TRUTH
Ungodly “Have crept in unnoticed”: so they are not part of the beloved, called and kept, yet they are among them vs. 4 Turn God’s grace: “charis” – The absolutely free expression of the loving kindness of God to men finding its only motive in the bounty or benevolence of the Giver: unearned and unmerited favor. Into licentiousness: “aselgeia” – lewdness, conduct shocking to public decency, perversion, unbridled lust
Instructions Titus tells us we are to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously and godly in the present age Jude tells us to contend earnestly for our faith and to remember the words of the apostles Pray, keep yourselves and wait anxiously for the mercy of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
“Written our Beforehand” “prographo”: designate beforehand, to write Tense: action in the past with results continuing into the present. The subject is acted upon. These ungodly have been destined to destruction of eternal fire (Jude 5-7, 11) Rom. Whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction and hope Eph. The mystery was made known to Paul by revelation
Condemnation Vs. 4 “Certain persons have crept in unnoticed those who were long beforehand marked out for this condemnation..” The condemnation was written about before Jude wrote about it. Examples from the Old Testament are given in vs. 5-15 Condemnation is the result of their lives as opposed to the called, beloved and kept for Jesus Christ
Application Fight for the faith!!! Be bold! Remember Peter’s warning in 2 Pet. 2:1-3 that there WILL be false prophets and they will exploit you with false words and introduce destructive heresies BUT: their destruction will be swift, their judgment from long ago is not idle and their destruction is not asleep YOU!!! Contend earnestly for the faith