SNNC Project One G. Leah G. Isaac C.
Makeup of the group and its leaders Ella Baker organized a conference in Raleigh, North Carolina that resulted in the organization of the SNCC Ella Baker encouraged student protesters attending the conference to form their own organization rather than become the student arm of other civil rights groups Stokely Carmichael worked with the newspapers Carmichael’s work with Ethel Minor helped the SNCC by shifting activities away from the community organizing Black Power
Biographical information Ella baker was civil rights and human rights activist. She was a largely behind-the-scenes organizer whose career lasted more than five decades. She also mentored many emerging activists, such as Diane Nash, Stokely Carmichael Stokely Carmichael called for “Black Power!” during a political rally for racial justice in Greenwood, Mississippi. Carmichael defined Black Power as radical social, political, economic, and cultural self-determination act
History and Goals SNCC stands for Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee. Founded in 1960, Raleigh, North Carolina by Ella Baker and Stokely Carmichael. Civil-rights group was formed to give younger African-Americans more of a voice in the civil rights movement. Other goals: end segregation and equality in general. Increase of politics= increase of violence towards them. Carmichael’s successor was H. Rap Brown. Fires and disorders that followed in the summer of 1967 led to Brown’s arrest for incitement to riot. SNCC disbanded shortly after as the civil rights movement itself splintered.
Strategies Started with nonviolent demonstrations. Sit-ins. Boycotts. Registering African-American voters. Nonviolent Protests/ marches. Freedom Singers. Speeches. Violent protests and riots.
Major events John lewis’s speech during the march on washington (August I963) The murders of Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner, also known as the Freedom Summer murders, the Mississippi civil rights workers' murders or the Mississippi Burning murders. Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party: The Freedom Ballot set the stage for the Mississippi Summer Project, organized primarily by Bob Moses.
Successes The SNCC organized nonviolent direct action against segregated facilities, as well as voter-registration projects. SNCC began campaigns by exploring the economic and political history of a target community. SNCC and other organizations fought white terrorism and helped create a willingness to risk danger in order to register to vote.
Setbacks Freedom Rides- Attacked by southerners. In South Carolina, the group encountered violence. A mob of twenty attacked the group. Three of its members died at the hands of the Ku Klux Klan during the Mississippi Freedom Summer of 1964. The Mississippi project did establish fifty Freedom Schools to carry on community organizing, but it managed to register only twelve hundred African Americans.