UCLA High Energy & Astro-Particle (HEAP) Seminar “Broadening the Discovery Potential for New Physics at the LHC” Presented by Si Xie, Caltech The spectacular success of the Higgs boson discovery has further elevated the expectation for new physics discoverable at the LHC. However, the biggest challenge in new physics searches at the LHC is their model dependence, which limits the scope and coverage of conventional searches. Using well-constructed kinematic variables and the Higgs boson as exploratory tools, one can achieve significant advances in broadening the search coverage for new physics. To illustrate, the search for supersymmetry using the razor variables will be highlighted as an example. Finally, I will discuss how new detector technologies with picosecond timing precision have the potential to improve the chances of finding new physics at future colliders. Si received his PhD from MIT in 2012 completing the first search on the Higgs boson at CMS in the WW decay channel. Since then, he has been a Millikan Fellow at Caltech, where he played a leading role in the discovery of the Higgs boson in the four-lepton decay channel at CMS and subsequent measurements of its properties. More recently, he has focused on searches for supersymmetry and on the R&D of future detector technologies with pico-second timing capabilities. Location: PAB 4-330 Date: Monday, February 29th, 2016 Time: 12:30pm Refreshments at 12:15pm