LEARNING LINKS: What will be at explored, achieved, discussed and learned in our class this term? SCIENCE AND ICT HUMANITIES (History, Geography, RE) PE AND PSHE ICT How can we use Excel to help us with our maths? How can we use the internet safely? What sources of data should we rely on for finding out relevant information? Can we create informative PowerPoints using note taking and data collected from reliable sources? How can we debug programmes to fix a problem? Science What are properties or materials? What ways can we group materials based on these? What are reversible and non-reversible changes? How can we set up a fair test and record results? How can we record and analyse results from investigations? Athletics What skills to we need to perform as an athlete? What are the techniques of throwing and jumping? How can we collaborate to perform well in team athletic events? What makes a successful athlete? How can we show pride, enthusiasm, collaboration, courage, resilience and responsibility at Sports Day? Games What are the rules of Rounders and how do you keep score? What are the most successful striking and fielding techniques? How can we use games to increase catching and throwing accuracy? When was World War 2 and how can we record the timeline of events? How did the Blitz affect the lives of British people? What was the role of women and the Land Army during World War II? Why were children evacuated and where did they go? Why did WW2 start and which countries were involved? How did rationing affect the lives of families? How and why did the war end? What was the aftermath of war? How could you help at home? Reading and research about Britain during World War II. Explore local History – how did the Blitz affect Bristol? Bring in any historical sources! Please share any books, medals or artefacts you or your family are willing to share! How could you help at home? Keep active with lots of movement and exercise. Keep a diary of all physical exercise performed over the Easter break and note which ones got your heart pumping the most! How could you help at home? Bake/cook/build/create – look at the changes in everyday materials – sand, cement, eggs, chocolate, toast! What materials change and how do they do it?! DRAGONFLY THEME TERM 5 and 6: World War 2 CLASS BOOK: Friend or Foe and Waiting for Anya by Michael Morpurgo (Rose Blanche) MATHS LITERACY How do we get information from statistics and data. Can we calculate a family budget during rationing? Can we solve word puzzles and crack codes? Can we apply our knowledge of calculation with fractions, decimals and percentages to solve multi-step problems? How can we multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000 to solve measurement conversion problems? What data can we find from tables and timetables? What are the most efficient methods for multiplying, dividing, subtracting and adding numbers with up to 3 decimal places? How can we convert units of time? How do we write key dates from WW2 as Roman Numerals? What journalistic writing features can we apply to writing wartime newspapers? What was the role of propaganda and persuasion in World War II Britain? How can we create empathy and sympathy for a character when writing evacuee stories? How can the chaos and sadness of war be shown through different types of poetry? CREATIVE DEVELOPMENT (Art, Music, Design technology) ART: - Propaganda Posters: understanding the use of persuasive imagery . - Blitz skyline artwork: experimenting with silhouettes and materials. DT: - Make do and mend: Design and make pompoms and toys for evacuee children - Cooking and tasting wartime recipes - Designing and making WW2 toys - How can we evaluate materials? MUSIC: - Boosting morale: exploring popular songs of World War II era and maybe composing our own! How could you help at home? Revise number facts at home including number bonds times tables and division facts to improve speed of recall. TIMES TABLES NEED PRACTISING EVERY DAY - PLEASE! How could you help at home? Fill in your child’s reading records. Write sentences, play games, read aloud/read quietly together. Read as much as possible. Explore different stories about World War II. Please speak to me if you would like any recommendations or ideas! How could you help at home? Look at pictures and posters from World War II and label what you see. What do you notice about the propaganda posters – how do they make people want to do something?