Water Biomes!
Freshwater Biomes Ponds & Lakes Are bodies of standing or still fresh water Lakes are generally deeper and larger than ponds Plants - Algae floating at the surface are the major producers Animals - insects snails, frogs, sunfish, & catfish Climate & Land – Since water absorbs sunlight, there is only enough light for photosynthesis near the surface of shallow water
Freshwater Biome Streams and Rivers Flowing water Animals must be adapted to strong current, ie trout, insects, frogs Few plants or algae can grow in fast moving water; 1st level consumers must rely on leaves & seeds falling in water
Marine (Saltwater) Biomes Estuaries Where freshwater and saltwater meet Plants – marsh grass & algae Animals- crabs, worms, clams, oysters & fish
Marine Biome Oceans Divided into Zones Intertidal- between the highest high-tide line & lowest low-tide line; Organisms withstand pounding waves Neritic- region of shallow water below low-tide line; algae, coral reefs Surface –light penetrates water a depth of a few hundred meters; tuna, swordfish, whales Deep – water is completely dark; giant squid; glow fish