BY Will Ebisuzaki-Mackay Power BY Will Ebisuzaki-Mackay
What Would You do… What would you do if you learned you could have all the power in the world? What would you do if someone who you trusted turned against you for their own gain? What would you do if you realized or were told that power had corrupted you?
My books
Animal Farm Farmer rules animals Animals take over farm Pigs become the leaders of the animals
Cry, the beloved country During apartheid in South Africa The “Tribe” has recently been broken up Stephen Kumalo goes to the city of Johannesburg to find his long lost family members He learns that his brother has become a politician fighting for racial equality and that his son has murdered the son of a wealthy white man who lives near him
Central thesis These three books, Animal Farm, Cry, the Beloved Country and Lord of the Flies, share a common theme of power throughout their plots and this theme helps to further the progress of the characters development and advance the plot
Snapshot analysis Animal Farm Lord of the flies New power comes into the hands of the animals as they take control of their new farm. New power comes into the hands of the boys as they must work to survive on their island. The animals talked about all the great things they could do with their new power but never used it to do the great things in the end. The boys talked of the great advancements they would make but never got down to actually doing them. The pigs become lazy and do the things they want rather than fulfill the responsibility of their powers Jack and the hunters take advantage of their superiority and ignore their responsibilities to the island Squealer creates lies to manipulate the animals and turn them against those who oppose the pigs. Jack uses the ``beastie`` to take advantage of the kids vulnerability and gain power. The pigs turn on the other animals who put them in charge and take advantage of them. Jack bullies all the kids after being given the power on the island by them.
Snapshot analysis Cry, the Beloved Country Lord of the Flies John Kumalo has gained so much power but is corrupted by the fear of losing his possessions Jack doesn`t want to go up the mountain to search for the beast but since Ralph wants to go ha goes because he can`t bare to lose his power The white people dominate society and their view tends to be publicized the most The ``Biguns`` dominate society on the island and get to make all the important decisions Simon who has great wisdom and the power to solve many of the group`s problems is killed by the boys Arthur Jarvis who has great power and influence and is trying to help the African native community is killed by Kumalo`s brother betrays Kumalo in the court case of his son, when John Kumalo`s son is guilty as well and he knows that Jack betrays Ralph, takes over the group and turns them all against them When Kumalo gives the chief of the village some advice that would be very beneficial to the village he dismisses it because he thinks too lowly of Kumalo Piggy gives Ralph and many of the boys good advice but is ignored because he has been prejudged from the start of the novel
Key Symbols and Motifs Violence Money Corruption Unfairness
Other noted themes Rules and Order Ambition and Temptation Violence Fear Human Nature
Ratings Animal Farm Cry, the Beloved Country
Closing Questions Does power corrupt people? Could you handle power? Is power good?