America Seeks Reforms in the Early 20th Century The Progressive Era America Seeks Reforms in the Early 20th Century
Origins of Progressivism As America entered the 20th century, reformers addressed the problems of industrialization: _________________ Environmental issues Social welfare ____________________ ___________________________________________
Goals of Progressive Movement ____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
Promote Moral Development Some reformers felt that the answer to society’s problems was personal behavior. _______________________________________. Groups wishing to ban alcohol included the ____________________________________________________________
Labor Unions and Laissez Faire _______________________refers to a capitalist economy in which the government is ________ _____________________________ This led to many problems in the IR because the government did not regulate or monitor businesses As a result, Socialism (an economy where the government regulates businesses and distribution of wealth) _____________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Debs will actually create the _____________________________
Labor Unions Along with creating the ASP, Eugene Debs formed the American Railway Unit to help railroad workers Samuel Gompers created the American Federation of Labor – significant because it allowed ANYONE to be a member A third popular labor union, the Knights of Labor, became the largest labor union in the country and often resorted to acts of violence to get its demands
Muckrakers Criticize Big Business _____________________________________ _________, many writers saw the truth in certain criticisms _____________________________________________________________________________________. Muckrakers famously uncovered Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company’s cut-throat methods of eliminating competition. This type of journalism also uncovered the ____________________
Changes in Government – Direct Election Of Senators Before 1913, each state’s legislature had chosen U.S. senators. To force senators to be more responsive to the public, ______________ ________________________________________. ____________________________________________________________
Suffrage for Women ______________________________ First official national convention to discuss women’s suffrage Led by _____________________________ ____________________, the movement continued well after the Civil War Continued protests and conventions will lead to the __________________ _______________________________________________________________________
Theodore Roosevelt Becomes President 1901 – President William McKinley is assassinated and _________________________ _____________________________ Roosevelt immediately stepped in to try and change the government’s responsibilities to the people in regards to ___________________ _______________
Roosevelt’s Square Deal Roosevelt came up with a program based on three different principles: __________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ These are often referred to as the 3 C’s of the Square Deal
Anti-Trust Laws Trust – __________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Roosevelt was determined to limit the power of trusts ___________________________– Prevents any business structure that restrains trade or business In other words, it makes monopolies illegal _____________________– Outlawed price fixing and expanded the Sherman Anti-Trust Act
“The Jungle” Leads to Food Regulation After reading ____________ ______________, Roosevelt pushed for passage of the Meat Inspection Act of 1906. ________________________________________________________________________
Roosevelt and the Environment Before Roosevelt’s presidency, the federal government paid very little attention to the nation’s natural resources. _______________________________________________________________________. Film clip of Theodore Roosevelt