Philosophy 1100 Title: Critical Reasoning Instructor: Paul Dickey E-mail Address: Website: Today: Second Editorial Analysis Due --- Instant Democracy is Never Doable Discuss Midterm Exams & Re-do Final Essay Discussion Movie: A Time For Burning Next Week: Submit Mid-term Exam Re-take Read Chapter 7 & Prepare class presentation on assigned fallacy 1 1
Chapter Seven: Logical Fallacies Presenters: Zach: Ad Hominem Fallacy Jaime: The Genetic Fallacy Tracy: The Straw Man Jacquie: The False Dilemma & Perfectionism Jonathan: The Slippery Slope Anthony: Misplacing the Burden of Evidence/Proof Amber: Begging the Question Emmanuel: Formal Fallacies (Affirming the Consequent & Denying the Antecedent, The Undistributed Middle) In your presentation, you must define your fallacy type, give examples, and distinguish it from other logical fallacies that are similar. I encourage you to use powerpoint slides in your presentation if possible, but it is not necessary. 2
Movie A TIME FOR BURNING This movie makes a passionate statement exploring racism in Omaha in the 1960’s. As you watch this movie, you may be tempted to think this movie is ONLY about that. As such, it clearly is a moving experience. But as you watch this movie, I want you also to consider and evaluate what it suggests about the nature of critical thinking and its necessity in our lives and society.
Movie Discussion (if time available) & Assignment Due on the Last Night of Class Write one page ARGUMENT (complete with a clear claim and strong relevant premises) giving your view what this movie says on the issue of whether and/or how critical thinking is important in your life. 4