Write your best sociological definition, using the following key words: Norms Culture Values Mainstream Extension: What Sociological study have we looked at that focus’ on a subculture called ‘The Lads’?
The BIG Idea Pupil Subcultures We are Learning to... Discover what a pupil subculture is and examine the different types identified by sociologists. Outline studies which investigate subcultures within school. Relationships and processes within schools, with particular reference to teacher/pupil relationships, pupil identities and subcultures, the hidden curriculum, and the organisation of teaching and learning In today’s lesson... GOOD learning … Be able to identify possible impacts that pupil subcultures have on the educational achievement, including one or more example of different types of pupil subculture, and make brief reference to one sociological study. GREAT learning … Be able to discuss the possible impacts that pupil subcultures have on the educational achievement of pupils, including more than one example of different types of pupil subculture, and make clear reference to one sociological study. EVEN BETTER … Be able to discuss and evaluate the possible impacts that pupil subcultures have on the educational achievement of pupils, including more than one example of different types of pupil subculture, and make clear reference to more than one sociological study. Wordle 2
Pupil Subcultures A group of pupils who share similar values and behaviour patterns. They often emerge as a response to labelling and streaming. So what subcultures do we have in our school? Extension – how might they impact on educational achievement?
Pupil Subcultures – Some Examples Consider the following: What will their attitude towards school be? How well are they likely to do in school? How would they behave in school?
Possible Effects of Pupil Subcultures Within School Creates Inequalities Class differences Achievement differences Self fulfilling prophecy Get them to discuss an example for each in their groups, using the groups around the room.
Research Method: Participant & Non-participant observation. Colin Lacey (1970) Research Method: Participant & Non-participant observation. DIFFERENTIATION “ Process by which teachers categorise pupils according to how they perceive their ability, attitude and/or behaviour” How? Setting/streaming Most able = high status = top set Least able = inferior status = bottom set
Colin Lacey (1970) POLARISATION “ pupils respond to streaming by moving towards one of two opposite poles or extremes” Hightown boys grammar school study- streaming polarised boys into pro-school and anti-school subcultures.
Pro-school Subculture High streamed Middle class High status- successful Committed to values of the school
Anti-social / Anti-School Subculture Low streams Working class Failure= low self esteem - school has undermined them, reinforcing inferior status
A Motto for Rossett You have 2 minutes to come up with a motto which you think depicts a pro-social and an anti-social school subcultural attitude to Rossett School.
How else would being ‘labelled’ and ‘streamed’ make you respond? How might you react to your status?
Peter Woods (1981) Division between pro and anti-school subculture is simplistic. Variety of pupil responses to the culture of the school.... Integration: follows schools norms and values, “teachers pet” Ritualism: going through the motions and staying out of trouble Retreatism: daydreaming and mucking about Rebellion: Outright rejection of school Furlong (1984)- “not committed to one response, act differently to different teachers and subjects!”
David Hargreaves (1967) Interviewed boys in secondary modern schools Subculture formed due to triple failures= Failing 11+ Low streams Labelled worthless louts Found high status went to those who flouted the school rules!
Evaluation Questions Do all pupils who are part of these subcultures fail? No, to say that this would be deterministic! What about people who are part of positive subculture who still fail? IQ? Would Marxists agree with subcultural analysis of educational underachievement? Ignore wider structures of power within which labelling takes place. Not based on teachers individual prejudices but system of class division.
http://www. youtube. com/watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=biVdYHimLKc&list=UUcMes_peUgr6d79n7aEsr5Q&index=12
So...Should We Abolish Streaming? If streaming results in such polarisation of pupils, which result in pupil subcultures. Should we abandon it and teach all mixed ability classes? Would this be a fairer system?
A-C economy (Gillborn and Youdell) Schools are forced to focus on pupils who will achieve 5 grades at A to C. Gillborn & Youdell blame system. Sorting process is named after the medical procedures which need to be taken in an emergency: The Educational Triage System Pupils Triage Those who will pass anyway Borderline C/D pupils- Need extra help Hopeless cases (Webb, R. etc, 2008)
The BIG Idea Pupil Subcultures We are Learning to... Discover what a pupil subculture is and examine the different types identified by sociologists. Outline studies which investigate subcultures within school. In today’s lesson... GOOD learning … Be able to identify possible impacts that pupil subcultures have on the educational achievement, including one or more example of different types of pupil subculture, and make brief reference to one sociological study. GREAT learning … Be able to discuss the possible impacts that pupil subcultures have on the educational achievement of pupils, including more than one example of different types of pupil subculture, and make clear reference to one sociological study. EVEN BETTER … Be able to discuss and evaluate the possible impacts that pupil subcultures have on the educational achievement of pupils, including more than one example of different types of pupil subculture, and make clear reference to more than one sociological study. Wordle 19