What’s the same and what’s new? Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) Filing an LPAT Appeal What’s the same and what’s new? Cheryl Aylward LPAT Project Lead
What will remain the same? No changes to: Administrative fee of $300 per appeal Requirement for submitting an appeal Case management team Other non-Planning Act matters will continue in the same format 10/11/2018
What will change? 10/11/2018
Appeal Forms Appellant forms and municipal forms have been changed Environment and Land Tribunals Ontario Appellant forms and municipal forms have been changed A1 and Municipal Form are divided into : 1A: Planning Act matters 1B: second appeal for most Planning Act matters 1C: other appeal types Site Plans now on A1 form and filed directly with municipality Enhancements to the forms guide the user to provide information, e.g., conform/consist test Municipal form checklists Documents to be in hard copy and USB format 10/11/2018
Other Changes Correspondence from Tribunal Submission requirements Scheduling of hearings We will no longer canvass for availability or preferred dates Procedural order and issues list required for multi-week hearings 10/11/2018
Second Appeals Correspondence to advise Municipal clerk and parties of Tribunal’s initial decision. New administration fee required New case number assigned 10/11/2018
Resources Environment and Land Tribunals Ontario Feel free to contact us directly... Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) 655 Bay Street, Suite 1500 Toronto, Ontario M5G 1E5 E-Mail: Local.Planning.Appeal.Tribunal@Ontario.ca Tel: (416) 212-6349 or toll free (866) 448-2248 Fax: (416) 326-5370 TTY: (800) 855-1155 via Bell Relay Or visit our website for more information… elto.gov.on.ca 10/11/2018