Who Am I? By: Kristina Wentworth
Systems: Family Friends High School/Youth Group Mt. Oly leadership camp WWU/ The INN
High School/ Youth Group
Standpoints/ Values Grew up in a relatively small town Beliefs- Christianity developed later in life “Open-minded Christian” Politically- I tend to be moderate or slightly “left” Becoming more open minded as I experience new things/places.
Bifurcation points Finally arriving at WWU Sept. 2007 Attending a HS info meeting and knowing that is what I want to pursue → “Ah ha moment” (self- organization).
Positive feedback loops High school→ kept me going in a “positive” direction towards college Friends→ continued old friendships, as well as making new friends
Negative feedback loops Family→ They hold me accountable Current relationships with High school teachers/community members→ want to make them proud
Why Human Services? Inspired by community involvement in High school Camp experiences→ hearing stories about the benefits of giving and making a difference
Why human services cont. “Give me your eyes for just one second, Give me your eyes so I can see, Everything that I keep missing, Give me your love for humanity, Give me your arms for the broken hearted, Ones that are far beyond my reach. Give me your heart for the ones forgotten, Give me your eyes so I can see”. –“Give Me your Eyes” by Brandon Heath
Why Human services cont. Possibly obtaining my master’s in International Care and Community Development at NU Potentially working internationally→ disaster relief or adoption agencies. Eventually settling down with local work.