Event: Battle of San Jacinto Date: April 21, 1836 Important People: Santa Anna & General Cos Sam Houston, Juan Seguin, Mirabeau Lamar Information: Last battle of Texas Revolution Battlecry: “Remember Alamo! Remember Goliad!” gives motivation to soldiers fighting & honor to lives sacrificed Houston began a series of retreats, using this time to gather and train troops; received much criticism Battle of San Jacinto
Battle of San Jacinto Information (continued): TX captures Santa Anna in a surprise attack MX troops were resting and watering horses Battle lasted 18 minutes Sam Houston is wounded Significance: TX lost less than 10; MX lost 630 and 730 prisoners Texas wins Independence Battle of San Jacinto
O- P- T- I- C-
The Surrender of Santa Anna Painting By William Henry Huddle
Event: Treaties of Velasco Date: May 14, 1836 Important People: Santa Anna Sam Houston & TX President David Burnett Treaties of Velasco
Treaties of Velasco Public Treaty Private Treaty Information: Santa Anna signed 2 Treaties. Public Treaty Mexico would not fight Texas again All Texas & Mexican soldiers freed All stolen property returned to Texas All Mexican troops has to withdraw from TX Private Treaty Mexico would recognize TX independence The boundary of Texas would be set at the Rio Grande Treaties of Velasco
Treaties of Velasco Significance: The boundary of Texas is set Santa Anna is released Ended the war for Texas Independence Santa Anna renounced (broke) all promises in the Treaty Relations did not improve between TX & MX Treaties of Velasco