ENJOY Good Day! Employment Basics This is your 30-Second Business Training: Employment Basics ENJOY Click here to begin 1
What should I do when my employee asks me for an accommodation? Ask for documentation of the employee’s functional limitations to support the request if the need for the accommodation is not obvious. Engage in an informal, interactive process to find an effective accommodation. Ask my employee relevant questions that will enable me to make an informed decision about the request. All of the Above.
Close, Try Again… Yes. If an applicant or employee requests an accommodation and the need for the accommodation is not obvious, or if you do not believe the accommodation is needed, you may request documentation of the individual’s functional limitations to support the request. But there are other things you should do when your employee requests accommodation. Try Again!
Almost… Yes. The EEOC recommends that the employer and employee work together to identify the appropriate accommodation. This informal, interactive process allows you to clarify what your employee needs and identify the appropriate accommodation. However, you should do other things when responding to an accommodation request. Try Again!
Yes, but…. When an employee requests an accommodation, you may discuss the disability, functional limitations, and need for accommodation. You may ask the individual relevant questions that will enable it to make an informed decision about the request. This includes asking what type of reasonable accommodation is needed. The exact nature of your dialogue will vary depending on the complexity of the request and disability related issues. However, asking questions is only part of the process. Try Again!
CORRECT! When your employee with a disability asks for an accommodation, you should engage in an interactive process with the individual to identify an effective accommodation. This process can include asking relevant questions and requesting reasonable medical documentation. Negotiations about accommodation should be done on a case-by-case basis. Ultimately, the goal is to identify an accommodation that meets the needs of your employee and your business! For more information on the accommodation process, visit JAN’s Employers Practical Guide to Reasonable Accommodation under the ADA. This 30-Second Training has been developed using Federal funds from the Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration under Contract No.: DOLJ131A22067. The contents of this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations