Theodora Adomako-Adjei “Synergizing for Shared Impact to Achieve Universal access to Sustainable Water services” Theodora Adomako-Adjei Partners:
LOOKING BACK The past has been characterised with fragmentation of WASH intervention and weakened relationship between CWSA and NGOs in the rural water sub sector in Ghana A new project design has given Community Water and Sanitation Agency the drive to strengthen its position as rural water sub sector lead and collaboration with partners
A change in the way we do things CONSULTATIONS ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSIONS Leveraging collaborative partnership for sustainable water service delivery in Ghana
FOCUS OF THE Partnership Coordination & Learning Review meetings Strategize to achieve common objectives Planning, sharing of knowledge, data, updates/reports Buy-in into work plans &budgets Conflict resolution and management Harmonization & Alignment Policy dissemination and guidance on application of sector guidelines and operational documents Technical support to grantees Partners align with country agenda and use country systems Standardization& Uniformity Partnership has created the platform for Planning and Sharing knowledge and data from partners, updates, Reports, workplans learn about each others activities, participatory approach for buy in Coordinating training of AM, WSMTs, establishment of spart parts, Rotational Hosting of government meetings –WVI, SWN Strengthen collaboration and build trust - training –participation and sponsorship for field staff Review mtgs at all levels– channel for policy dissemination and guidance on use of operational docs- resulted in, technical support, - mkt base approach Capacity building Joint monitoring- transp , provide technical support able to ensure sector A team of cwsa staff work with wateraid- Harmonisation- catalyzed the widespread use of sector processes and docs such as operational documents, tools, standards and guidelines eg partners on the field Agreement on indicators for assessment aligning with partners country’s agenda and using country systems Provision of technical support to grantees- Wateraid, WVI, SWN - VR joint monitoring DWSP to include SDA, trg of WSMTs using right cont, gains made together
the partnership Effective positioning of government leadership & support; Transparency & accountability; Deterrence of duplication of efforts/interventions = Maximizing resources
In Conclusion Position government leadership Develop collaborative partnership Enriched possibility of scaling up/sustainability Engendered- provoked, stimulated enhanced relationship with partners- national, reg, da levels , Scaling up possibility thru partnership Collaborative partnership Learning platforms at all levels Bridging gaps to lay foundation for sustainability- resources
Together we can go far Thank you Government has an unavoidable role to play in this, as the only actor with the legitimacy to lead development of a sustainable rural water service delivery. Yet, while government can lead the way, it will require the active support of national and international partners, financiers and users. Thank you