entrance survey Why are you completing an entrance survey? We want to understand you and your classmates better. Keep in mind that: There are no right and wrong answers. Your answers will not affect your grade. Complete the Entrance Survey. Submit Code Here
Segment Pretest Take The Segment Exam Here
Believe One Assignment : What are some accomplishments or goals you have reached in your life? These can be as big or as small as you would like; an accomplishment could be that you no longer bite your nails. What was the biggest challenge you faced in getting to where you are today and how did you overcome it? Submit Here
Believe 2 Assignment : Write three areas of your life. One dream: One challenge: One hobby: What is one action you can take in the next two days to move toward a dream, address a challenge, or develop a hobby? Write down the one action and then Go for it! After you've done it, write about your experience and what you learned. Use complete sentences and submit this as your work for the lesson Submit Here
See 3- SeT Your Goals Summary Without goals, you will go through life blindfolded. If you want to see, you have to decide what you will believe about yourself and where you want to go. Then you can use your Code to get you there! Assignment : Create a Code and post it in your room. You can select “print” to print a blank code and fill it out or you can select “save as” and type directly into it. You can also use this Code Generator. Submit Here
See 4 Use your resources Instant Zone These are the things in life that do not help you reach your goals. These things do not matter very much, and they do not last. Many of the things in the Instant Zone will make you happy now, but the happiness will not stay. Lasting Zone These are the things in life that do help you reach your goals. These things do matter, and they will last. They might not always be fun right now, but they will help you now and later in life. Assignment : For this assignment, you will keep track of all of your activities for two full days. Use this chart to list your Instant Zone and Lasting Zone activities. Be honest! It will be an eye opening experience for you to see where you truly spend most of your time. Submit Here
Achieve 5- Success in Class Summary Many ELL students start out behind in school. But if you work hard, you can catch up just like the blue racecar. Three habits that will help you catch up and succeed in class are: turn everything in,read every day, and make mistakes. Assignment: 1. In this lesson, you learned three habits that can make you a strong student: 1) Turn everything in 2) Read every day 3) Make mistakes. Now it’s time to take action. In the next two days, use one of the three habits to become a better student. After you have taken action, write about your experience and what you learned. Use complete sentences and submit this as your work for the lesson Submit Here
Achieve 6 –Build your Network Summary Building a strong network will help you succeed. Joining an activity at school and serving others will help you build a stronger network. Assignment : Answer the following questions using complete sentences: What is the benefit of joining a new group or club? Why is it important to build strong connections? Why is it good for you to have a mentor? Take one action in the next two days to build your network. You can join a club, talk to new people, or serve someone. Write about this action and submit this as your work for the lesson. Submit Here
Grow 7-Stay Strong Assignment : Think about a current Stuck-Point in your life. What can you do right now to get un- stuck? Complete the following statements to see how you can get un-stuck: Right now I am stuck with... A new way to think about it is... I can get help by talking to... I can make things better by doing... Now hit your Turbo Button! Take one action to help you get unstuck, write a paragraph describing your action. Submit Here
Grow 8- Be Proud Summary Are you playing the Popularity Game? Are you trying to fit in and be like everyone else? Are you trying to make everyone like you? The only way to win the Popularity game is to not play. You are a special person with unique assets, an important culture and language, and a family that is a part of you. Be proud! Be free! Assignment : Take one action that increases your pride. It could be related to your family, assets, culture, language, or invisible diversity. In a paragraph of 3-5 complete sentences, write about your action and submit this as your work for the lesson. Submit Here
Fly 9- Know Yourself Summary In this lesson you learned about your personality, talents, and passions. You saw how being aware of your personality can help you work with others and how following your talents can lead you to success. You also learned that your passions give you energy. Assignment : Find someone who is living in their Super Spot—someone who has found a way to combine their personality, talents, and passions in one area. It could be someone you know, or you can do some research online to find someone. Write at least five complete sentences about what this person does and how it connects to their personality, talents, and passions. Submit Here
Fly 10- Part 1 Look up one college and find the answers to the following questions: How much does it cost each year? What percentage of students graduate? What is one thing that interests you about this school? Submit what you have learned to your teacher. You can write a short paper (2-3 paragraphs), you can give a speech (2-3 minutes), or you can create a presentation using a Web 2.0 tool.
Fly 10- Part 2 Using what you have learned in this course, you are now going to help out a student named Rafael. Rafael has problems in four areas: Physical: He’s gained 40 pounds over the last year. Emotional: His girlfriend broke up with him and he misses her. Intellectual: He wants to get A’s and B’s, but is getting D’s. Social: His girlfriend was his only friend, and he is lonely now. What Super ELL techniques can Rafael use to improve his life? Do you think his four problems are connected? Write three sentences giving your advice for Rafael.
Fly 10-part 3 Ask a friend or family member to complete the Instant/Lasting Zone chart, focusing on their use of electronics. After reviewing their completed chart, write 1-2 complete sentences about your findings. For example, how are they using TV, computers, or phones? Do they watch too much TV? Are they not using their computer enough to do real work? In 3-4 complete sentences, offer feedback on how they can better use electronics in their lives. Be sure to let them know that it is okay to spend some time playing video games, texting, or checking social media, but your feedback and evaluation might lead them to change how they are currently using their time. Submit FLY 10 Here
Exit Survey Why are you taking an exit survey? We want to understand you and your classmates better. Keep in mind that: There are no right and wrong answers. Your answers will not affect your grade. Assignment : Complete the Exit Survey. Submit Code Here
Segment exam Take the Segment exam here