Off-Highway Diagnostic Improvement Project Rev. 7 – Revised slides are marked. Cummins Internal Use Only
Roll out strategy New DOs will be created which will have the new software / tuning / improvements. This allows AEs and OEMs to work together to control when the improvements are rolled out to their product line. Recommend OEMs have new PN to help manage integration. This is only really critical if the machine is impacted by the calibration change and the OEM pulls engines randomly from stock. Cummins Internal Use Only
Checkout procedure DEF Lamp Strategy – Level test only (AEB 27.10 Attachment D) – Required Line Heater Tampering – line heater “failure” in warm ambient should not be considered tampering Provided but not required One fault that changes from AWL to no lamp Cummins Internal Use Only
Software Phases Impacted PXX.XX.XX.XX numbers are software phases as they would show up in Calterm or Field Calterm The HEX number is shown in Insite QSF3.8: P32.02.15.00, 20020F00 (HEX) QSB4.5/QSB6.7/QSL9: Ph32.00.15.01, 20000F01 (HEX) QSG12: Ph32.03.11.02, 20030B02 (HEX) QSX 15: Ph32.01.14.01, 20010E01 (HEX) Cummins Internal Use Only
Background Information and Reasoning for Change Cummins Internal Use Only
Agenda Background of the Diagnostic Improvement Project Major Classifications for Changes OEM / Customer Impact Overview Improvement Schedule Cummins Internal Use Only
Diagnostic Improvement Group (DIG team) Group of “experts” assembled to review all the fault codes across the off-highway HMLD product line (QSF2.8 through QSX15) and determine if we are taking the appropriate level of lamp activity, torque/speed derate, and proper tuning level based on the various architectures used across the off-highway product line and legal requirements. Cummins Internal Use Only
Diagnostic Improvement Group (DIG) Team Deliverables Objective: Re-design diagnostics to provide meaningful operator communication of needed repair action Maximize customer uptime Drive appropriate customer response Ensures correct repair action Meet legislative requirements Cummins Internal Use Only
Summary of the Fault Codes Covered by the Off-Highway DIG team Each recommendation was evaluated for how long to implement Reviewed all 700+ fault codes Cummins Internal Use Only
Summary of Diagnostic Recommendations Cummins Internal Use Only
Diagnostic Recommendations were reviewed in detail as part of the implementation planning DIG team Recommendation Individual Fault Code Design Team Review Accept DIG Recommendation Modify DIG Recommendation Implement Recommendation And Provide Timing Cummins Internal Use Only
Recommended vs Actual Changes Of the 123 Fault Codes that had short term lamp recommendations only 66 Fault Codes Effected 61 AWL to No Lamp 3 RSL to AWL 2 Removed 11 NC ~10% reduction in fault lamp severity with ~92% of those changes resulting in no lamp at all Cummins Internal Use Only
Major Classifications of Changes Lamp Changes Tuning Changes Accommodation Changes DEF Lamp Changes Cummins Internal Use Only
Lamp - Definitions Red – Need to stop work immediately Yellow – Run to the end of the shift Maintenance – Operator can perform some action without special tools to fix the issue No Lamp – Fault is used for problem identification and fault isolation by the technician at service interval Cummins Internal Use Only
Lamp Definition Strategy Amber Warning Lamp: Equipment can be used to the end of shift. Arrange service. Red Warning Lamp: Stop equipment now Flashing AWL: Operator able maintenance Operator can perform some action without special tools to fix the issue Flashing DEF Lamp Solid: DEF tank level is low or DEF quality is low or DEF/SCR system related malfunction occurred. Leads to 25% or 50% torque derates over time (3.5 hrs) Flashing DEF lamp: Final Inducement after 30 minutes (Engine locks to idle or shutdown depending on OEM desired response) Cummins Internal Use Only
Lamp Changes Change the definition of what lamp to turn on when the ECM detects an issue. Amber Warning Lamp (AWL) to No Lamp Amber Warning Lamp (AWL) to Maintenance Lamp Red Lamp to Amber Warning Lamp These changes will cause a new fault code number to be used (but maybe the same SPN/FMI) Lamp, J1939 SPN/FMI make up a unique Cummins fault code Cummins Internal Use Only
Impact of Lamp Changes When a fault is moved to a no lamp condition, the fault’s SPN/FMI no longer shows up in the DM1 message on J1939. The fault is still recorded in the ECM and is available upon request via the DM53 message on J1939 So the fault code is still available for servicing events but does not interrupt the operator. It is still available on the J1939 datalink but under a different message (DM53). Cummins Internal Use Only
Lamp Changes Recommended vs Actual Of the 123 Fault Codes that had short term lamp recommendations only 66 Fault Codes Effected 61 AWL to No Lamp 3 RSL to AWL 2 Removed ~10% reduction in overall fault lamp severity with ~92% of those changes resulting in no lamp at all Cummins Internal Use Only
Accommodation Change Definition: Accommodation means the ECM turns off the EGR or SCR or HC dosing. Turning off EGR or SCR means the engine will go to a 25% derate. This is required by law because an emissions control device is being modified. Cummins Internal Use Only
Accommodation Change Minimizing the number of diagnostics that force the system into an accommodation is an improvement for the customer because torque is not reduced as often. Cummins Internal Use Only
Tampering Improvement When a fault is considered tampering, the engine will eventually lock itself on idle (or shutdown if specified by the OEM) after 4 hours. Moving a Fault Diagnostic out of the tampering list means the engine does not get locked on idle or shutdown. Cummins Internal Use Only
Disable Diagnostic 19 Diagnostics were recommended to be turned off. These were most often diagnostics required for OBD products that we inherited from the on-highway programs but are not required for off-highway. Less faults… less possibility of false indications which lead to stopped work. Cummins Internal Use Only
Tuning Changes Tuning changes include actions to make sure the fault condition is actually occurring and not intermittent before indicating we have an issue. We may take more time to determine that a system or component is truly in error. These changes lead to less false faults Cummins Internal Use Only
DEF Lamp Changes Improve consistency of lamp activity with the meaning to the operator. When the DEF lamp flashes, you are 30 minutes away from entering final inducement (lock to idle or shutdown). Allows operator to take appropriate action for the given job, machine, etc.. When the AWL (Yellow) lamp is on and the DEF lamp is on solid, you have a problem with your aftertreatment subsystem and you will experience derates in power. Cummins Internal Use Only
Low DEF Warning and Inducement 10% reserve not shown on gauge Off-Highway, Tank Level Inducement - Current UPDATED SLIDE DEF (Urea) Gauge Notification* Inducement Deactivate Warning or 10% reserve not shown on gauge Lamp Fault >10% full None Stage 1 Minimum 10% full DEF lamp solid FC 3497 Fill DEF tank to a minimum of 2.5% above stage 1 Stage 2 Minimum 5% full DEF lamp flashing FC 3498 Fill DEF tank to a minimum of 2.5% above stage 2 Stage 3 From minimum of 2.5% to before tank is empty Amber warning lamp solid FC 1673 and 3714 / 4863 (optional) 25% torque derate and optional speed derate Fill DEF tank to a minimum of 2.5% above stage 3 Stage 4 0% FC1673, FC3547 and 3714 / 4863 (optional) 50% torque derate and optional speed derate Fill DEF tank to a minimum of 2.5% above 2% level and system is able to prime Stage 5 Stage 4 detection + 30 mins Red lamp solid FC 1673, FC 3547, FC 3714 and FC 3712/ 4863 (optional) Final inducement Fill DEF tank to a minimum of 2.5% above stage 4 and system is able to prime Do we need to include SPN 5246 which tells the inducement level Cummins Internal Use Only
Low DEF Warning and Inducement 10% reserve not shown on gauge Off-Highway, Tank Level Inducement - Proposed UPDATED SLIDE DEF (Urea) Gauge Notification* Inducement Deactivate Warning or 10% reserve not shown on gauge Lamp Fault >10% full None Stage 1 Minimum 10% full DEF lamp solid Maintenance FC 3497 Fill DEF tank to a minimum of 2.5% above stage 1 Stage 3 From minimum of 2.5% to before tank is empty Amber warning lamp solid FC 1673, FC 3498 and 3714 / 4863 (optional) 25% torque derate and optional speed derate Fill DEF tank to a minimum of 2.5% above stage 3 Stage 4 0% DEF lamp flashing FC1673, FC3547 and 3714 / 4863 (optional) 50% torque derate and optional speed derate Fill DEF tank to a minimum of 2.5% above 2% level and system is able to prime Stage 5 Stage 4 detection + 30 mins Red lamp solid FC 1673, FC 3547, FC 3714 and FC 3712/ 4863 (optional) Final inducement Fill DEF tank to a minimum of 2.5% above stage 4 and system is able to prime Do we need to include SPN 5246 which tells the inducement level Cummins Internal Use Only
Industrial Tier4 Final -Tampering/Malfunction Inducement Strategy Off-Highway, Tampering Inducement - Current AECD #13-4 Industrial Tier4 Final -Tampering/Malfunction Inducement Strategy Inducement None Warning1 Warning2 1 Initial2 Secondary2 Final2 X1 hrs X2 hrs X3 hrs X4 hrs Red Stop On FC 3712 Amber Warning Off Solid FC for failure leading to Tampering/Malfunction FC 3714 FC 3714 4 hours 3x30mins override allowed Engine Start Detected FC = Fault Code Notes 1 The signal can be used for visual or audible alarm by OEM 2 Derate is ramped in 5 minutes. *Warning/FC will be turned on at least 2 minutes before the inducement Cummins Confidential
Off-Highway, Tampering Inducement - Proposed AECD #13-4 Cummins Internal Use Only
Off-Highway, Quality Inducement - Current AECD #13-4 Cummins Internal Use Only
Off-Highway, Quality Inducement - Proposed AECD #13-4 Cummins Internal Use Only
Inducement Strategy Summary Off-Highway Cummins Internal Use Only
Impact of this release on Quality This software release improves ~27% of all occurrences of fault conditions reported within the warranty period through lamps, tuning, or accommodations modifications. Cummins Internal Use Only
Impact of this release on Quality The top 25 fault codes account for about half the total warranty occurrences. This release improves over 50% of the top 25 warranty issues through lamps, tuning, or accommodations modifications. Cummins Internal Use Only
Impact of this release on Quality This release improves critical communications to the operator When you see the DEF lamp by itself go check your DEF system. It is either low or contaminated. When you see the DEF lamp and the Yellow (AWL) lamp you are or will soon experience a reduction in power. When the DEF lamp is blinking you will see a further reduction in power and have 30 minutes before you will be locked to idle or shutdown. Cummins Internal Use Only
CEAF The file excel file provided with the CEAF provides the details of specific improvements for each fault code. Cummins Internal Use Only
Task or Milestone Definition Item Target End Date ## Task or Milestone Definition D Nov. 7 Create Initial communication package for the Application Engineering Community 1 Dec.20 Initial communication of upcoming change to World Wide Application Engineering Community 2 Jan. 30 Create Detailed Communication of Actual Changes and Schedule of Availability 3 Feb. 28 Communicate Detailed Changes to the World Wide Application Engineering Community 4 April 15 OEM Communications 5 OEM Impact Assessment 6 May 15 Create CEAF 7 June 1 Publish CEAF to World Wide Application Engineering Community 8 OEM Planning 9 May 30 Update Test Plans in AEB 27.10 10 Update other AEBs (15.151, 15.153, etc…) 11 Declare when OEM test calibration is required to support change 12 May 11 Test Calibrations Available to Support OEM Verification (feedback comments to controls ASAP) 13 Jul. 10 Interface Modification Verification(Controls DR is 6/2) 14 Jun. 30 OEM Change Request Submission 15 New OEM Part Numbers Assigned 16 Jul.10 OEM Change Request Approvals 17 Engine Specification Change 18 Jul. 30 Auditor Communications 19 1-Sep Ready to Support the Customer's Launch Cummins Internal Use Only