A walk around Liver Cirrhosis and Transplant The realization and diagnosis The preliminary tests, observations, applying for listing on the National Transplant List and coping with the disease The transplant and recovery Post-recovery and resuming normal activities and life
From my experience with liver cirrhosis it began with a feeling of malaise and finally sought medical treatment. Blood tests showed abnormal results and further testing was done including ultra-sound and treatment with steroids and other medications. Instead of showing improvement my health continued to decline. I started bruising all over, extremely itchy, fatigued, weak, sleep patterns became abnormal, became extremely bloated in the abdominal area (later diagnosed as Ascities), jaundice and even confusion. (Which was diagnosed as encephathology) My labs continued to worsen and I started vomiting blood. I immediately went to the Dr. and he hospitalized me and did ultra-sound, CT-Scan and finally an MRI and it was confirmed it was Cirrhosis of the liver with Ascities. They also did an EGD and became aware of varices inside me by inserting the image device through my throat. Varices are very dangerous as you can bleed to death internally. And ascities is very serious also as once it is developed it can be treated to improve enjoyment of life but longevity of life is not extended. I visited the Transplant Center for the complete testing to see if I was a candidate for transplant and I was and eventually added to the national transplant list. It can and was in my case sudden and unexpected to receive the call to come in for the operation, once a suitable donor is identified. I received a call at about 10 am, was transported 200 miles, in the Operating Room at 1:15 and in ICU by 1130 pm. The surgery was a great success and I spent a week in the hospital and then in the area for an additional three weeks. I feel better than I have in years and just started trying to obtain employment and regain a normal life.