Indiana 4-H Volunteer Orientation Introduction and Overview Welcome! We are glad that you have chosen to participate in the Indiana 4-H Volunteer Orientation series. If you are just beginning the 4-H Volunteer application process, this series of units will provide you with a broad overview of the 4-H Youth Development Program and the role of volunteers within 4-H. If you are an approved 4-H Volunteer who has already provided some years of service to the program, we hope that these units will provide you with a refresher of things you have experienced in 4-H and perhaps include some new things you may have not heard before.
When you first arrived on the Volunteer Web site, you saw this photo of a group of youth celebrating their participation in an outstanding program we know as Indiana 4-H Youth Development. These young people and thousands like them are the reasons that we do what we do in 4-H. Your participation as an approved Adult 4-H Volunteer provides them with outstanding experiences that we could not otherwise offer. Let’s continue with an overview of the Indiana 4-H Volunteer Orientation.
By scrolling to the bottom of the page, you’ll see the six Volunteer Orientation Modules. These modules are designed to be taken sequentially, so we ask that you start with Unit 1: 4-H Overview and move consecutively through the end of the series. The modules can be viewed on your own at a time and location that is convenient for you. Or, your County Extension Office may offer these modules in a face-to-face meeting where you’ll be joining other individuals interested in learning more about volunteering for 4-H. When you are ready to start the series, you can click anywhere on the module photo or title. This will open a video of the presentation.
After you have opened the module, this is an example of the screen that you will see. If you would like to have a document to follow along with and perhaps take notes on while you view the presentation, you can download a PDF file for each module that contains the slides and narration. Click on the PDF icon in the lower right-hand corner of the module to access the file. Please be sure that your computer speakers are turned up so that you can listen to the narration along the way. Click on the white arrow in the middle of the screen to start the video. You can hover your mouse over the lower part of the video to see the total length of each module and the time remaining in the presentation.
At the conclusion of each presentation, you will take a five-question quiz on the material that was covered. These questions will be multiple choice or true/false. As a part of the certification process for all new 4-H Volunteers, we are asking you to complete each quiz with a score of 100%. This may seem difficult at first, but don’t worry! The quiz is designed to allow for mastery, just like we do for our 4-H members, so you will have as many opportunities as you need to take the quiz. Once the presentation has concluded, scroll down the screen until you see the information included in this slide. There is a place to enter your first and last name, e- mail address and county in which you wish to serve as a 4-H Volunteer. Once you have entered that information, click on the blue “Start” button to begin your quiz.
This will bring up 5 questions for you to answer This will bring up 5 questions for you to answer. Left-click your mouse in the circle which you believe is the correct answer for each question. When you have answered each of the 5 questions, click on “Submit my answers” in the blue box.
Next, you will see your score on the quiz Next, you will see your score on the quiz. If you answered each of the questions correctly, you are ready to move on to the next unit. If you missed one or more questions as Johnny did in the example above, you’ll be able to review the correct answers as you scroll down the page. We’ll show this information on the next slide. After you have reviewed the correct answers, you can click on the blue “Try Again” button to retake the quiz.
After you have scrolled down the page, you’ll be able to review the correct answers to each of the five quiz questions. Each question will show the answer you selected, the correct answer, and a brief explanation of the answer.
As you prepare to retake the quiz, you will be asked to reenter your e-mail address and County, then click on the blue “Start” button. Another set of 5 questions will be provided to you. NOTE: Some of these questions may be the same, but some may be different, and they will likely appear in a different order. By design, the questions for each quiz within a module are randomly generated from a database of questions that relate to that module. Each time you take a quiz, an e-mail will be sent to your e-mail address and also to the Extension office in the county for which you wish to volunteer.
Once you have answered all 5 quiz questions on a unit correctly, you will see a “Certificate of Achievement” on your screen. You may print and/or download this certificate to your computer as a record of your completion. The e-mail you receive for successfully-completed quizzes will also contain a link to the certificate. When you are done with one unit, you may click the brown box at the bottom of the screen to move on to the next unit, or click on the 4-H Clover at the top of the screen to return to the home page if you wish to view the next unit at a later time. You’ll continue with this process until you have completed each of the six units!
Thank you for your participation and your interest in serving as an Indiana 4-H Volunteer! If you have questions along the way, please contact the County 4-H Youth Development Extension Educator. Thank you for your willingness to serve the youth of your community and for participating in this Indiana 4-H Volunteer Orientation series!