1960s Social Movements
Women’s Rights Movement Feminism: political, social, & economic theory of equality between men and women Not new in the 1960s, just latest wave Fight the stereotype of housewife or the limited job roles for women Betty Friedan: The Feminine Mystique, 1963
National Organization for Women (NOW) Founded by Betty Friedan “True equality for all women” and “full and equal partnership of the sexes.” Fight discrimination on workplace and education Equal Rights Amendment: gender equality guaranteed by law Protect reproductive rights 1973 Roe v. Wade Brief History of the Pill
A Continual Debate Need to raise society’s awareness of gender discrimination Tactics and events become more “radical” Gloria Steinem: Ms. Magazine What’s in a title? Steinem Makers Phyllis Schlafly Feminism an assault on family, marriage, and children Played to conservatives of the “Silent” generation
The Rights Revolution Expands
Latino Rights Growing population in the United States Need for cheap labor during WWII Bracero program Mexican population traditionally out west East Coast sees increase in Puerto Rican, Dominican, and Cuban populations following the war
Cesar Chavez Fought for rights for farm laborers United Farm Workers represented many migrant farmers of different ethnicities Workers’ strike and boycott of table grapes Nationwide strike leads to gains in collective bargaining rights
American Indian Movement Started as a group to help Native Americans in urban areas Expanded to address civil, land, and legal rights, and issues of self- governance Activists took over Alcatraz for 19 months Siege at Wounded Knee Wounded Knee '73 pt. 1 Indian Self-Determination Act of 1975
Ralph Nader Unsafe at Any Speed Has run for President 4X Legislation brought about making seatbelts standard in all cars Has run for President 4X Consumer and environmental protections Anti-nuclear power
The Environmental Movement
Re-light an old Flame Rachel Carson: Silent Spring Starts the environmental mov’t Problems of chemicals impacting the environment Up to us to protect and fix the problem Cleveland: Cuyahoga River burns Burning River Earth Day: April 22, 1970
Governmental Action Environmental Protection Agency,1970 Clean Air Act “protect the entire ecological chain” Clean Air Act Clean Water Act Endangered Species Act Nuclear Regulatory Commission Three Mile Island: almost our Chernobyl