PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Working together to decrease unemployment in Kwa-Zulu Natal
Legislative and other Policy Mandates The South African Constitution and related policies and prescripts, the Department of Labour administers the following labour legislation: Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 (LRA); The Basic Conditions of Employment Act 75 of 1997 (BCEA); The Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998 (EEA); The Unemployment Insurance Act 30 of 1996 (UIA); The Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993 (OHSA); The Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act 130 of 1993 (COIDA); National Economic Development and Labour Council (NEDLAC) Act, 35 of 1994; Employment Services Act 4 of 2014.
Purpose of the Employment Services Act 4 of 2014. Promote employment; Improve access to the labour market for work-seekers; Provide opportunities for new entrants to the labour market to gain work experience; Improve the employment prospects of work-seekers, in particular, vulnerable work-seekers; Improve the employment and re-employment prospects of employees facing retrenchments; Facilitate access to training for work-seekers, in particular, vulnerable work seekers;
MAIN FUNCTIONS OF THE PES The main functions of the Employment Service are simply to obtain vacancies and identify other opportunities so as to facilitate the entry and re-entry of job-seekers into the labour market. The provision of Public Employment Services therefore supported by three main programmes: Work seeker Registration; Employer Services & Employment Counselling Services
PES FOCUS PARTNERS Employers Public Sector Private Sector (large, small, medium) Parastatals Job Seekers New entrants to the labour market Long term unemployed Retrenchees & UIF clients People with disabilities Migrant workers Women Underemployed
Employment Service of South Africa This is a DoL initiative in support of NDP to half unemployment and poverty and inequality. Essentially ESSA is aimed at addressing unemployment and scarce skills ESSA can be accessible through : completing of an ESSA FORM ( which is captured on the system by CSO’S) and registration online through the department website – by both employer and employee
EMPLOYMENT SERVICES OF SOUTH AFRICA – ESSA Cont As part of the service at ESSA, DoL keeps a database of numerous unemployed as well as employed candidates on the system Based on the given criteria for an opportunity, ESSA automatically matches candidates who meet the required criteria for an opportunity Screens the matched candidates through submission of original documentation and employer requirements e.g Z83 Prepares the individual in terms of post requirements ,understanding the world of work ,ethics and ethos of the world of work The Department of Labour provides the cv’s of matched candidates to the employer. It remains the right of the employer to interview the candidates matched to suit the vacant opportunity
Registration Services This includes registration of individuals( job seekers), employers and opportunities. The registration of individuals includes the development of a skills profile where the person’s experience and qualification are recorded according to the Organizing Framework of Occupations (OFO).
Recruitment and Selection Services This includes the proactive identification of opportunities through networking with stakeholders. The matching of candidates to opportunities through recruitment, screening and selection for a particular opportunity and placement
Career Guidance and Counseling Services Career Guidance( employment counseling) includes providing career guidance to access labour market, scarce and critical skills information as well as guidance on accessing placement opportunities
EMPLOYMENT SERVICES OF SOUTH AFRICA – ESSA Cont What we need from the employer : A detailed job description and job specification Timeous feedback on placement done by your company on placed individuals Feedback on performance of placed or referred individuals
HOW DOES THE SERVICE BENEFIT THE EMPLOYER? The service is free of charge DoL conducts all the administration, recruitment and selection for the employers DoL is able to do psychometric assessments upon request from the employer of the required candidates (for learnerships only) DoL makes its facilities available to the employer for interviews and briefing sessions DoL provide after care service once the job seeker has been placed.
Thank You Brenda Mthembu – Assistant Director :Employer Service 031 366 2005 Noluthando Ntshona – Senior Administration officer: Employment Counselling Services 031 366 2051