APUSH Review: Key Concept 9.1, revised Edition Everything You Need To Know About Key Concept 9.1 To Succeed In APUSH
Key Concept 9.1 “A newly ascendant (rising in power) conservative movement achieved several political and policy goals during the 1980s and continued to strongly influence public discourse in the following decades.” - page 85 Big Idea ?s: What changes occurred in the economy as a result of Reagan’s election in 1980? Over what issues did conservatives and liberals debate?
Key Concept 9.1, I “Conservative beliefs regarding the need for traditional social values and a reduced role for government advanced in U.S. politics after 1980.” A. Why was Reagan’s 1980 election victory a milestone (watershed election)? Conservatives enacted: Tax cuts: “Reaganomics,” “supply-side,” or “trickle-down” economics Tax cuts for wealthy in order to stimulate economic growth Rates were cut in the 1980s Similar to tax policies of the 1920s under Secretary of Treasury Andrew Mellon (synthesis point) Deregulation of many industries: Reagan promised in his campaign to decrease environmental regulations
Key Concept 9.1 B. Conservatives sought to limit liberal programs, but met inertia (resistance) and liberal opposition because: Many programs remained popular with voters Social Security, Medicare
Key Concept 9.1 C. Policy debates occurred regarding: Free-Trade agreements: North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) No tariffs on goods made/traded between America, Canada, and Mexico Seattle World Trade Organization Protests (1999) Scope of the government social safety net: Welfare Reform (1996) Some viewed the public became too dependent on government assistance Instituted time limits on welfare assistance, increased eligibility requirements Calls to reform the U.S. financial system: Finance Reform - Financial Services Modernization Act - repealed parts of the Glass-Steagall Act (New Deal)
Test Tips Multiple-Choice and Short Answer: Goals of conservatives NAFTA and debates over free trade Debates over scope and size of government Long Essay/DBQ: Not exclusively on period 9 Could be part of larger idea (debates over scope and size of the federal government since WWII)
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