An Era of Social Change Latinos, Native Americans, and women seek equality in American society. The ideals and lifestyles of the counterculture challenge the values and priorities of mainstream society. A leader of the Crow tribe protesting the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that gave the state of Montana, rather than the Crow people, control of the Big Horn riverbed. (1981). NEXT
60’s Introduction Activity: The 60s! What do you know or think you know about it so far? Make a a LIST or WEB (graphic organizer) of at least 10 things related to the 1960s….could be people, events, cultural activities, clothing styles ect, TRY to LINK at least 2 chains together……write small….you will be adding to it….
An Era of Social Change SECTION 1 Latinos and Native Americans Seek Equality Women Fight for Equality Culture and Counterculture NEXT
Latinos and Native Americans Seek Equality Section 1 Latinos and Native Americans Seek Equality Latinos and Native Americans confront injustices in the 1960s. NEXT
Pre Question: Journal topic: 1. Should immigrants coming into this country be required to speak English why or why not? Pros and Cons to this idea? 2. Should we have English as our (US) national language by law? Why or why not? 3. Should American High School Students be required to take a foreign language? Why or why not? Class Survey results taken….
Similarities and Differences:
Latinos and Native Americans Seek Equality 1 SECTION Latinos and Native Americans Seek Equality The Latino Presence Grows Latinos of Varied Origins 1960s Latino population grows from 3 million to 9 million Mexican Americans largest group, mostly in Southwest, California 1960, almost 900,000 Puerto Ricans settle in U.S., mostly in NYC Cubans flee communism, form communities in NYC, Miami, NJ Central Americans, Colombians come to escape civil war, poverty Many Latinos encounter prejudice, discrimination in jobs, housing Map NEXT
Latinos Fight for Change 1 SECTION Latinos Fight for Change The Farm Worker Movement César Chávez helps form United Farm Workers Organizing Committee 1965 grape growers do not recognize union; Chávez sets up boycott 1970 co-founder Dolores Huerta negotiates contract Cultural Pride Puerto Ricans, Chicanos demand cultural recognition, better schools 1968 Bilingual Education Act funds bilingual, cultural programs Brown Berets organize walkouts in East LA high schools Image Continued . . . NEXT
1 SECTION Continued Latinos Fight for Change Political Power Latinos organize, help elect Latino candidates from major parties League of United Latin American Citizens works for rights since 1929 • La Raza Unida works on independent, Latino political movement - runs Latino candidates, wins in local races Reies Tijerina confronts government over farmers’ rights in NM NEXT
Native Americans Struggle for Equality 1 SECTION Native Americans Struggle for Equality Native Americans Seek Greater Autonomy Many Native Americans cling to their culture, refuse assimilation Native Americans poorest group, most unemployment, health problems Termination policy relocates, does not solve problems Native Americans call for economic opportunities on reservations 1968 LBJ establishes National Council on Indian Opportunity Map Voices of Protest American Indian Movement (AIM)—Native American rights organization Continued . . . NEXT
Confronting the Government 1 SECTION continued Native Americans Struggle for Equality Confronting the Government 1972 AIM leads march in D.C.; protest treaty violations, seek: - restoration of land - end of Bureau of Indian Affairs; occupy it, destroy property 1973 AIM, Sioux seize Wounded Knee; violent confrontation with FBI Native American Victories 1970s laws give tribes more control over own affairs, education 1970s–80s courts recognize tribal lands, give financial compensation Image NEXT
Video wrap up additions: Use a graphic organiuzer to list-link die roll details Cesar Chavez: Native Am. AIM movement:
Wrap Up Activity: In your groups (or solo for hw if time not permitting) appoint one writer and one helper and one presenter and review this section’s notes listing 5 to 10 details relating to Latinos and 5 to 10 details relating to Native Americans. Then create a Venn Diagram where you have 4 diffs and 4 Sims MINIMUM for each.
Women Fight for Equality Section 2 Women Fight for Equality Through protests and marches, women confront social and economic barriers in American society. NEXT
Pre Question Journal Warmup: Are Women and Men truly treated equally today? Why or why not? Are there any jobs that men or women can do better than the opposite sex? Are there any jobs ONLY a Man or ONLY a Woman can do? Explain you your answer with supporting details. Who has it easier in life?
Photo Analysis:
Women Fight for Equality 2 SECTION Women Fight for Equality A New Women’s Movement Arises Women in the Workplace 1900-60s:Women shut out of jobs considered “men’s work” Jobs available to women pay poorly JFK’s Presidential Commission on the Status of Women finds: - women paid far less than men for doing same job - women seldom promoted to management positions Chart Continued . . . NEXT
The Women’s Movement Emerges 2 SECTION continued A New Women’s Movement Arises Women and Activism In civil rights, antiwar movements men discriminate against women Consciousness-raising groups show women pattern of sexism in society The Women’s Movement Emerges Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique shows women’s dissatisfaction - bestseller, helps galvanize women across country Feminism—economic, political, social equality for men, women NEXT
The Movement Experiences Gains and Losses 2 SECTION The Movement Experiences Gains and Losses The Creation of NOW Civil rights laws, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission help women 1966 National Organization for Women (NOW) founded Presses for day-care centers, more vigorous enforcement by EEOC Image A Diverse Movement Militant groups like NY Radical Women stage demonstrations Gloria Steinem helps found National Women’s Political Caucus, & Ms. Magazine Steinem argued Women should be included in 1964 Civil Right Act! Continued . . . NEXT
Legal and Social Gains Roe v. Wade Jan 22 1973 2 SECTION continued The Movement Experiences Gains and Losses Legal and Social Gains Gender-based distinctions questioned—like use of husband’s last name Higher Education Act bans gender discrimination if federal funding Congress expands EEOC powers; gives child-care tax break Roe v. Wade Jan 22 1973 Feminist support of woman’s right to an abortion is controversial Roe v. Wade: women have right to an abortion in first trimester Prediction: will this right to an abortion ever be taken away from women? Should men get a say in whether the abortion happens (if they are a couple) Why or why not? (group debate 1 min) Continued . . . NEXT
The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) 2 SECTION continued The Movement Experiences Gains and Losses The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) 1972 Congress passes Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) Phyllis Schlafly with religious, political groups launch Stop-ERA - think will lead to drafting women, end of child support Image The New Right Emerges Conservatives build “pro-family” movement, later called New Right Focus on social, cultural, moral problems; build grassroots support Debate family-centered issues with feminists Supported “traditional family values” NEXT
The Movement’s Legacy The Movement Changes Society 2 SECTION The Movement’s Legacy The Movement Changes Society ERA defeated!; only gets 35 of 38 states for ratification by 1982 Women’s movement changes roles, attitudes toward career, family Education, career opportunities expand - many women run into “glass ceiling” 1983, women hold 13.5% elected state offices, 24 seats in Congress Chart NEXT
VLA Warp Ups: Web details….Who feels lucky? Women’s rights movement:
Tech Warp Up In your groups: Appoint a presenter, researcher and assist researcher: Use cell phones to look up a famous woman from entertainment or a world leader from history and write down 5 things about them to see if other groups or your teacher can guess who they are! 5 mins.
Wrap Up Activity: Appoint a leader, presenter and you all become researchers and questions creators where you brain storm and collaborate to Predict and write the TOP 6 questions (with answers) I may ask on a test from this section,. Each student must write at least 2 questions& answers from a slide of notes. Be ready to share your predicted questions.
Culture and Counterculture Section 3 The ideals and lifestyle of the counterculture challenge the traditional views of Americans. NEXT
Pre Question, After Quiz… Journal Topics…name, clever title etc. : 1. What is your idea of a hippie? What are some things they did, listened to or believed in and how did they dress/act? 2. Are there any lasting things hippies introduced into society today? 3.Would you ever want to be a hippie? Why or why not?
Journal Warm up 2 Include Title, Date, Name 1. Should any currently illegal drugs be legalized? Pros and Cons to this idea: 2. Should any drugs STAY illegal? Why or why not? 3. Will NJ ever legalize any drugs soon? Why or why not?
Photo Analysis
Photo Analysis
Culture and Counterculture 3 SECTION The Counterculture “Tune In, Turn On, Drop Out” • Counterculture—white, middle-class youths reject traditional America Members of counterculture called hippies Feel society and its materialism, technology, war is meaningless Idealistic youth leave school, work, home - want to create idyllic communities of peace, love, harmony….. called them communes Group collab ques: could you all share Clothes n possessions without probs? Why or why not? Continued . . . NEXT
Decline of the Movement 3 SECTION continued The Counterculture Hippie Culture Era of rock ‘n’ roll, crazy clothing, sexual license, illegal drugs Some hippies turn to Eastern religion, meditation Haight-Ashbury neighborhood of San Francisco becomes hippie capital Image Decline of the Movement Urban communes turn seedy, dangerous Some fall victim to drug addiction, mental breakdowns NEXT
A Changing Culture Art Rock Music 3 SECTION A Changing Culture Art Pop art uses commercial, impersonal images from everyday life - imply that personal freedom lost to conformist lifestyle - movement led by Andy Warhol Image Rock Music The Beatles most influential rock band, help make rock mainstream Woodstock 1969 festival gathers many of most popular bands - over 400,000 attend Last great counterculture gathering Continued . . . NEXT
continued A Changing Culture 3 SECTION Changing Attitudes Attitudes toward sexual behavior become more casual, permissive Mass culture addresses forbidden topics, like sex, explicit violence Some think permissiveness is liberating; others sign of moral decay Long term liberal attitudes about dress, lifestyle, behavior adopted NEXT
The Conservative Response 3 SECTION The Conservative Response Conservatives Attack the Counterculture Conservatives alarmed at violence on campuses, cities Consider counterculture values decadent Some think counterculture irrational, favor senses, lack inhibitions NEXT
VLA Warp Up: Use any type of graphic Organizer to note 10 PLUS details … “far out man.”
Appoint a leader, presenter and writer: Wrap Up Activity: Appoint a leader, presenter and writer: Using the information from this section collaborate and Predict what your group feels are the TOP ten Facts to know from this section… For HW/Wrap- Up Project: Each Student create your own counterculture style mini poster advertising the BEST things and/OR worst things you learned about being a hippie a woman, a Native American or Latino of the 1960s. You can draw or print out 3+ pics reflecting some of your choices! Add color! Must research you topic using internet & include: 1 to 2 famous people related to your choice. 2 to 4 events, one group, 3 to 4 related facts
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