FederalAppliance.com Self-Service Pricing. Full-Service VAR. Server / Storage Consolidation Plan using VMWare and EqualLogic Virtual Machines Virtual Network Storage
Server / Storage Consolidation Goals Reduce Server/Storage costs Simplify Scaling Simplify Management Eliminate Data Loss Share Available Space among Servers Improve Application Availability Provide Off-Site Disaster Recovery
Servers with Directly Attached Storage (DAS) create management issues FULL Expensive to buy and maintain Hard to Scale Complex to manage Out of Space problems, no sharing NORMAL LOW Typical issues associated with physical systems Mail Server SQL Server(s) Web Server(s) File Server(s)
LOW PROBLEMSOLUTION NORMAL FULL Inexpensive to buy and operate Unlimited Scalability Simpler to manage Virtual storage where needed EqualLogic Storage Device MailSQLWebFile FREE SPACE Easy Solution using VMWare with EqualLogic, BUT… MailSQLWebFile Server Web Server SQL Server Mail Server WebFil SQL Physical Server 1Physical Server 2 Virtual Machines (VM) Virtual Storage Expensive to buy and maintain Hard to Scale Complex to manage Out of Space problems, no sharing Many Physical Servers…
LOW PROBLEMSOLUTION NORMAL FULL EqualLogic Storage Device FREE SPACE How do we migrate without disrupting applications? ? File Server Web Server SQL Server Mail Server No Disruptions allowed ! WebFil SQL Virtual Storage MailSQLWebFile MailSQLWebFile Physical Server 1Physical Server 2 Virtual Machines (VMs) PRODUCTION APPs
LOW NORMAL FULL EqualLogic Storage Device FREE SPACE Non-disruptive Plan Overview File Server Web Server SQL Server Mail Server No Disruptions ! WebFil SQL Virtual Storage MailSQLWebFile MailSQLWebFile Physical Server 1Physical Server 2 Virtual Machines (VMs) 4 Step Plan 1) Consolidate Storage 2) Implement/TEST new VMWare environment 3) Activate VMWare in production 4) (optional) Implement Off-Site Replication PROBLEMSOLUTION
LOW NORMAL FULL Connect EqualLogic box to switch and copy volumes EqualLogic Storage Device FREE SPACE WebFil SQL Step 1 – Consolidate Storage GbE - IP LAN File Server Web Server SQL Server Mail Server Network Switch COPY DATA Virtual Storage PRODUCTION APPs
Production Servers begin using consolidated storage on EqualLogic Eliminates data loss from equipment failure Solves out of space problems Sets the stage for Step 2 EqualLogic Storage Device FREE SPACE WebFil SQL Step 1 Complete GbE - IP LAN File Server Web Server SQL Server Mail Server Network Switch Virtual Storage LOW NORMAL FULL PRODUCTION APPs
Use Cloning feature of EqualLogic to create TEST volumes Configure VMWare Servers with Virtual Machines Test thoroughly while still running apps on former platforms Sets stage for Step 3 EqualLogic Storage Device FREE SPACE Step 2 – Set up Virtual Machines and TEST GbE - IP LAN File Server Web Server SQL Server Mail Server MailSQLWebFile Network Switch LOW NORMAL FULL MailSQLWebFile TEST using cloned volumes TEST Mail TEST SQL WebFil SQL Virtual Storage PRODUCTION APPs TEST Web TEST File
Switch production to new VMWare platform Shutdown former servers (or re-deploy) Sets stage for Step 4 (optional) EqualLogic Storage Device FREE SPACE Step 3 – Activate VMs in Production GbE - IP LAN File Server Web Server SQL Server Mail Server MailSQLWebFile Network Switch LOW NORMAL FULL MailSQLWebFile WebFil SQL Virtual Storage SOLUTION COMPLETE
Add 2 nd EqualLogic unit at remote site Re-deploy servers to remote site Run VMWare images Enable EqualLogic Replication (included at no charge) EqualLogic Storage Device FREE SPACE Step 4 – Add Remote Site using EqualLogic Replication MailSQLWebFile Network Switch MailSQLWebFile EqualLogic Storage Device FREE SPACE MailSQLWebFile Network Switch REMOTE SITEPRIMARY SITE IP WAN REPLICATION WebFil SQLWebFil SQL Virtual Storage
LOW PROBLEM SOLUTION NORMAL FULL EqualLogic Storage Device MailSQLWebFile FREE SPACE Migration complete with no impact MailSQLWebFile Server Web Server SQL Server Mail Server No Disruptions ! WebFil SQL Virtual Storage Inexpensive to buy and operate Unlimited Scalability Simpler to manage Virtual storage where needed Expensive to buy and maintain Hard to Scale Complex to manage Out of Space problems, no sharing
Summary Next Steps: 1.Get Self-Service EqualLogic Quote from Federal ApplianceGet Self-Service EqualLogic Quote from Federal Appliance 2. Connect EqualLogic Device to IP LAN 3. Copy existing volumes to EqualLogic and activate 4. Setup VMWare, TEST and then activate 5. Redeploy old servers and 2 nd EqualLogic at Remote Site Goals Accomplished: Reduce Server/Storage costs Simplify Scaling Simplify Management Eliminate Data Loss Share available space among servers Improve Application Availability Provide Off-Site Disaster Recovery
FEDERAL APPLIANCE Self-service Pricing. Full-service VAR. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. - Leonardo Da Vinci FederalAppliance.com Thank You