How does solar energy work? What is Solar Energy? How does solar energy work?
Solar energy produces electricity using a photovoltaic cell Solar Panels
Photovoltaic cell Use cells to convert sunlight into electricity PV cell has 1 to 2 layers of conducting material, like silicon Creates electric field across layers causing electricity to flow Greater intensity of light, greater the flow of electricity
How Does a PV Cell Work?
Benefits Solar Power Reduces your carbon (CO2) emissions Reduces your energy bills. Sell any surplus green electricity back to your supplier. Solar power does not generate pollution or.
Negative Aspects of Solar Energy Need sun! Need a battery or some other form of backup (generator) Expensive home set up on the electrical grid (42K)
Solar Water Heaters 1.5 million solar water heaters in use in U.S. Can work in any climate cost between $1,500 and $3,500 Homeowners get tax credits up to 30 percent Save about $600/yr for 4 person household