Explain mining. (In your own words) Bell work (5 minutes) Explain mining. (In your own words) Planner: Lecture mining Title of notes: Mining (pg. 13 right side) Check the calendar! http://www.tincherscience.weebly.com
Pre-mining/fire ecology Page 12 Create your graph on left side page 12 1. Label graph mining/fire ecology 2. graph pre test write pre reflection 3. tape your mining learning target to the right side of page 12 http://www.tincherscience.weebly.com
I’ll know I’ve got it when… Learning target I can describe why mining is needed. Today I am… learning about the different ways people mine. So that I’ll be able to… understand why we mine and how we can make mining sustainable. I’ll know I’ve got it when… I can write at least two sentences explaining why we mine and how we can make mining sustainable.
Why is mining important? Everything we depend on is mined for its production.
Why should we be aware of mineral use? Minerals are a finite resource! There are 21 minerals identified as important to our health.
Example: Common kitchen items with minerals…..
Mining is the removal of materials from the earth.
A deposit that contains enough materials to make a profit. Ore A deposit that contains enough materials to make a profit.
Largest copper mine in the U.S. Morenci Mine Largest copper mine in the U.S.
What types of resources are mined? Metallic minerals: Copper, iron, silver Nonmetallic minerals: Limestone, salt, gemstones Fuel and water: Coal, natural gas, groundwater
Layers of surface soil/rock are removed to expose the resource. Strip mining Layers of surface soil/rock are removed to expose the resource. Shallow surfaces
Vertical tubes are dug deep into the ground. Subsurface mining Vertical tubes are dug deep into the ground. Resources are deep underground.
Digging a large hole and removing the ore. Open pit mining Digging a large hole and removing the ore. Diamond mine – SA
Forests are clear cut, topsoil is removed, rocks are blasted. Mountain top removal Forests are clear cut, topsoil is removed, rocks are blasted. Coal mine - WV
Reclamation Act of 1977 The process of restoring mined land to a natural or economically usable state.
Sustainability Triangle For each side of the sustainability triangle: Title of Page: Sustainability Mining Left side of page 13 Sustainability Triangle For each side of the sustainability triangle: Draw a picture of the impact Brief explanation of the impact Economic: Environmental: Social / Cultural:
Reading Pg. 400 - 401 Write down two important facts or definitions from the reading. Number or bullet point them. Get a stamp and make sure to write the page numbers.
Arizona should be proud! Arizona has led copper production in the U.S. since 1910 and still produces approximately 64% of domestic copper.
The legacy of copper mining in Arizona! (5 mins) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BucmR-kWwmo http://wn.com/coal_mining_animation