ENVIRONET Plenary Meeting Vienna, Austria, 5 – 7 December 2017 Challenges and Needs Related to NORM Management in Mexico ROBERTO ALEJANDRO SUÁREZ ALVARADO Radioactive Waste Management and Environmental Radiological Impact Section Nuclear Safety and Safeguards National Commission - Mexico
Main Mexican institutions involved in NORM Regulation
Mexican Legal Framework Political Constitution of the United States of Mexico (Art. 27) International Treaties undersigned by Mexico Regulatory Law of Constitutional Article 27 on Nuclear Matters (Nuclear Law) Radiological Safety General Regulation (RGSR) Radioactive Material Safe Transport Regulation (RTSMR) Mexican Official Standards (NOM)
Regulatory Framework Nowadays the practices which generate NORM residues/wastes aren’t regulated but aren’t exempted neither. The only reference in Mexican regulations associated with NORM is in Article 19 of Radiological Safety General Regulation, which states that equivalent dose limits included in the regulation are applicable to the irradiation cases due to natural sources of radiation technologically enhanced.
Regulatory Framework RWM Official Standards Mexican Official Standard Title NOM-004-NUCL-2013 Radioactive Waste Classification: Uranium and Thorium tailings (also named sterile waste) are considered as a single kind of radioactive waste. NOM-008-NUCL-2011 Radioactive Contamination Control NOM-018-NUCL-1995 Methods to Determine Activity Concentration and Total Activity in Radioactive Waste Packages NOM-019-NUCL-1995 Requirements for the Near Surface Disposal of Low-level Radioactive Waste Packages NOM-020-NUCL-1995 Requirements for Radioactive Waste Incineration Facilities NOM-021-NUCL-1996 Lixiviation Test for Solid Radioactive Wastes NOM-022/1-NUCL-1996 Requirements for Low-level Radioactive Waste Disposal near surface. Part 1. Siting
Regulatory Framework RWM Official Standards Mexican Official Standard Title NOM-022/2-NUCL-1996 Requirements for Low-level Radioactive Waste Disposal near surface. Part 1. Design NOM-022/3-NUCL-1996 Requirements for Low-level Radioactive Waste Disposal near surface. Part 1. Construction, Operation, Closure, Post-Closure and Institutional Control. NOM-028-NUCL-2009 Radioactive Waste Management in Radioactive Facilities where Open Sources are used. NOM-035-NUCL-2013 Levels to Classify a Solid Waste as Radioactive Waste NOM-036-NUCL-2001 Requirements for a Treatment and Conditioning Radioactive Waste Facilities NOM-039-NUCL-2011 Specifications for Exemption of Ionizing Radioactive Sources and the Practices which use them: Exemption Levels for Natural U & Th (1000 Bg/kg) NOM-041-NUCL-2013 Annual Incorporation Levels and Discharge Concentrations
NORM Industries in Mexico NORM industries identified in México Production of oil and gas; Mining; Geothermal Energy; Production of phosphate, fertilizers, clay and building materials; Coal Industry; Use of radionuclides, such as thorium, for other properties than radioactivity.
NORM Industries in Mexico Oil & Gas Contaminated pipes and sludge are generated; Unknown national inventory for these type of NORM residues Lack of radiological impact assessment ; NORM residues are stored at the facilities.
NORM Industries in Mexico Mining Uranium Mining Nowadays Mexico doesn´t have uranium mining and processing activities. The tailing generated in the past by these activities were disposed in a safe way at Peña Blanca Repository. Metal Mining Mexico has in operation diverse metal mining activities around the territory, however doesn´t exist radiological regulations on the operations or residues generated Doesn’t exist a NORM inventory produced by mining associated activities nor radiological impact assessment is done; ININ has developed studies of radon concentration in some metal mines
Recent & Ongoing Actions 2013-2015: The European Commission sponsored the project “Cooperation in the development of a policy and strategy to spent nuclear fuel – including measurements of its temporary safe storage – and radioactive waste management in Mexico” (MX4.01/10), which includes provisions regarding NORM. The project was developed with the participation of an international consortium leaded by ENRESA, and the main Mexican interested parts (SENER, CNSNS, CFE, ININ). Status: Pending for approval. 2016: The Nuclear Research National Institute (ININ) developed the Project “In situ radiological characterization of sites affected by oil exploitation”, with the support of the IAEA.
Recent & Ongoing Actions 2017: On September was held the National Training Course on NORM, organized by ININ with the sponsor of the IAEA.
Recent & Ongoing Actions 2018-2019: TC Project MEX2016001. It is intended for the improvement of the legal framework regarding RWM, including NORM. Nuclear Safety and Safeguards National Commission (CNSNS). 2018-2019: TC Project MEX2016003. Determination of radiological baseline for NORM in future sites to be exploited by gas and oil industry.
Identified Needs and Challenges Get approved the National Policy and Strategy for the safe management of RW and SF, which includes provisions regarding NORM; Identify all streams and activities related with NORM generation; Perform a radiological characterization of residues and wastes arising from NORM industries; Perform a radiological impact assessment regarding NORM industries (existing and planned); Develop of regulations on the topic (i.e, concentration limits, protection measures for workers and public, requirements for operations); Get all the stakeholders involved with NORM topics, the risks associated with the practice and the need to establish a regulatory framework for the protection of workers, the public and the environment; ¡¡¡ TO GET THE MONEY !!!
Thank you!!! ROBERTO ALEJANDRO SUAREZ ALVARADO RWM & Environmental Radiological Impact Section Head - CNSNS rasuarez@cnsns.gob.mx