What is a Folktale? A folktale is a story that has been passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth or verbal tradition. Folktales were created to pass on traditions, morals, and lessons from one generation to the next.
Types of Folktales Trickster Tales Fables Pourgoui Stories Fairytales
Trickster Tales A trickster in a story is a character whoa story about a trickster, or someone who is clever and tricks other characters in the story. This character usually causes problems for other characters. Example: Aansi the Spider, Stone Soup
Fables These are stories that usually teach a lesson or has a moral. Example: The Tortoise and the Hare or Aesop’s Fables.
Pourquoi Stories A Pourquoi (means “why” in French) is a folktale which explains how or Why something is the way it is. Explains HOW something came to be as it is. Many myths and tale tales are considered pourquoi stories. Example: Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People’s Ears: A West African Tale by Verna Aardema
Fairytales Usually begins with the words, “Once Up a Time” Story has good and evil characters Usually ontains magic, a hero or heroine Conflicts are revolved through kindness, courage or intelligenc Examples: Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Aladdin, etc.
Common Folktale Story Elements Magic is often used to explain the unexplainable The number three is often used Three characters Three events Three tests
Common Story Elements Characters undergo tests to prove something Good vs. evil Good characters are rewarded and evil ones are punished Magic is usually used. Contains a happy ending
Themes Characters undergo tests to prove something. Good characters vs. evil characters The good characters are rewarded and the evil characters are punished. The story usually has a happy ending.