New Concepts in Peripheral Artery Disease: Emerging Role of Antithrombotics.


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Presentation transcript:

New Concepts in Peripheral Artery Disease: Emerging Role of Antithrombotics

Program Agenda

PAD: Epidemiology and Burden

CAD and PAD: Overlapping Conditions

AHA/ACC Guidelines: Antiplatelet Agents

AHA/ACC Guidelines: Oral Anticoagulation

ESC Guidelines: Antiplatelet Agents

Aspirin in PAD

CAPRIE: Clopidogrel vs Aspirin

CHARISMA: Clopidogrel Plus Aspirin vs Aspirin Alone

CHARISMA: Patients With PAD

CHARISMA: Safety Results

PEGASUS-TIMI 54: MACE in Patients With PAD

PEGASUS-TIMI 54: Bleeding Events

EUCLID: Primary Efficacy Endpoint

Antiplatelet Therapy Challenges in PAD

WAVE: Oral Anticoagulation for PAD

ATLAS ACS 2—TIMI 51: Results

COMPASS: Trial Design

Combination of Factor Xa Inhibition and Antiplatelet Therapy


VOYAGER PAD: Study Design

VOYAGER PAD: Study Design (cont)

Edoxaban: ePAD-Study


Conclusions (cont)