RL3 Review
Exam Date: 5/9/16, 7:45-9:45 Room: Soc Sci 5206 Cumulative 2 hours (120 min) Closed book (calculators not needed) Format: Problems as in PS (no true false q) Preparation Master all PS and past exams Read slides Read book
Consumer’s Theory Elements of choice theory: Budget set Preferences (4 types): indifference map, MRS Choice (SoH, Magic formulas) Comparative statics Substitution and Income effect Ordinary and Giffen, Inferior and Normal goods Real endowments (buying and selling)
3 applications Labor markets - labor supply Intertemporal Choice: a) 2 periods: b) T periods: Uncertainty a) Lottery, Bernoulli and VNM utility b) Risk aversion c) Insurance
Insurance Standard problem Insurance problem: Lotteries No implicit markets No utility function
Insurance: Budget set
Insurance: Preferences
Insurance: Choice
Markets: Competitive Equilibrium Edgeworth Box Pareto Efficiency and Contract Curve Competitive Equilibrium First welfare theorem
Competitive Producers Technology RS, MPK, MPL Profit Maximization, Cost Minimization Cost functions, shapes for IRS, CRS and DRS Supply function (also with fixed costs) Equilibrium N firms free entry
Market Failures Market Power a) Monopoly: Choice, elasticity, markup, price discrimination b) Oligopoly (Duopoly Externalities and public goods Asymmetric information
Monopoly (2 benchmarks) No price discrimination First degree (perfect) price discrimination Monopolistic Behavior
Inefficiency Total potential surplus and DWL No price discrimination First degree (perfect) price discrimination Total potential surplus and DWL
Elasticity of a demand Measure of market competitiveness Definition Relation to MR Measure of market competitiveness
Elasticity: Implications Only elastic part of the demand relevant Elasticity and markup
The End Thank you and good luck