Technical Session VIII: Cross-Cutting Issues Prof. Dr. Günter Schock, TÜV Rheinland Group Cologne, May 12th 2005 EU-MRG Stakeholder Day
EU-MRG Stakeholder Day Program Background Information Stakeholder Presentation Discussion Conclusion EU-MRG Stakeholder Day
EU-MRG Stakeholder Day Background information Stakeholder Day is part of Stakeholder Consultation Outcome will be documented (note taker) and considered for modifications of the MRG - List of key messages - List of key problems during implementation - List of key proposals for modification Revised Guideline expected to be adopted by the end of the year 2006 EU-MRG Stakeholder Day
Key Cross-Cutting Topics: Accuracy and Uncertainty Cost-Effectiveness Harmonisation at EU-level Flexibility Tier-System Plant-specific Requirements Permit Monitoring Methodology MRG EU-MRG Stakeholder Day
EU-MRG Stakeholder Day Stakeholder Presentation (Minvrom) Chris Deckers Senior Policy Adviser Emissions Trading Programme in the Directorate-General for the Environment of the Ministry Since 2001 responsible for the coordination of task forces and working groups in the Dutch NOx and CO2 Emissions Trading Programme with focus on implementation and verification Responsible for the development of the Dutch NOx Emissions Trading Programme (1997) EU-MRG Stakeholder Day
EU-MRG Stakeholder Day Stakeholder Presentation (BP / IETA) Mike McMahon Senior Adviser at BP – Climate Change Establishing GHG-inventories at BP back in 1996 Involved in a number of GHG inventory guidelines (e.g. WBCSD/WRI, GHG Protocol, IPIECA Petroleum Industry Guidelines) Co-Chairmann of the IETA WG on the MRG EU-MRG Stakeholder Day