The scientific study of human population is called… DEMOGRAPHY
What are some factors that can affect the human population? Disease Economy War
Human Population Growth textbook! What kind of growth does this graph display?
POPCLOCK As of today… How many people when you were born Global Human Population Counter PoodWaddle Site How many people when you were born
Patterns of Population Growth Birth rates, death rates, and the age structure of a population help predict why some countries have high growth rates while other countries grow more slowly.
Age-structure diagram
Age-structure diagram
Moving in…Moving Out Immigration: individuals moving in Emmigration: individuals moving out These have direct effects on the population in a certain country or area But, as a population as a whole, it doesn’t really factor in (since we can’t leave this planet, nor do other planets contain humans)
Future Population Growth Projections: Ten years ago, the projection was that the human population would reach more than 9 billion people by 2025 Now, that has slowed to 2050.
Human Population: Historical View & Prediction
Human Population: World Growth Rate
However…. What is the carrying capacity of the planet? Will the human population ever be able to reach logistic growth? What effects does the size of the human population have on OUR environment? What do we as HUMANS have control over?