FACTS Status : Republic Population : 8,8 Mio Area : 84 sq km Water : 1.7% Language : German Religion : Roman Catholics, Evangelists
ETHNIC GROUPS 81.1% Austrians 6.3% ex - Yugoslavs 2.7% Germans 2.2% Turks 8.7% others
and .......
....... but we have the famous „Wiener Schnitzel“
CAPITAL CITIES Vienna Salzburg Graz - the 3 most historical 1.8 Mio
Heiligenblut – Gross Glockner LANDSHAPES Wörthersee Carinthia Heiligenblut – Gross Glockner Carinthia – East Tyrol Neckenmarkt Burgenland
LANDSHAPES Lienz East Tyrol Castle Bruck East Tyrol
LANDSHAPES Rieseneishöhlen Dachstein – Styria Dachstein Styria
- around 700 of them all over the country CASTLES - around 700 of them all over the country Burg Hochosterwitz Carinthia Riegersburg Styria
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart CHARACTERS - a few of many Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Austria - Salzburg Ludwig van Beethoven Germany - Vienna Johann Strauss Austria - Vienna
CHARACTERS Udo Juergens FALCO - younger generation Austria - Klagenfurt FALCO Austria - Vienna
- luckily never operated Zwentendorf - Lower Austria INCREDIBLY - luckily never operated Nuclear Power Station Zwentendorf - Lower Austria Dr. Bruno KREISKY Chancellor 1970 - 1983
- no joke and all in Upper Austria FUNNY - no joke and all in Upper Austria since 1070 Upper Austria „asshole corner“ Upper Austria
- the „dual“ education system Landesberufschule Mitterdorf Styria
Fitness Studio Equipment Arnold „Arnie“ SCHWARZENEGGER PRODUCTS Lifestyle Fitness Studio Equipment Arnold „Arnie“ SCHWARZENEGGER Styria
PRODUCTS Automotive PUCH 500 – „Buffolo“ Johann PUCH Made in Styria
PRODUCTS Automotive Automotive Born in Styria Frank STRONACH Styria
PRODUCTS Drinks Made in Austria Dieter MATESCHITZ Salzburg
PRODUCTS Lifestyle Crystal Karl-Heinz GRASSER Made in Austria Klagenfurt
International Airport GATEWAYS CONSOLIDATIONS Vienna International Airport Austria
Thank you very much for joining the PCA conference at Vienna 2017 and wishing you a succesful venue !