Grants Academy Session Five


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Presentation transcript:

Grants Academy Session Five Prepared for Samuel Merritt University April 9, 2018

Agenda Session topics: Homework: Submit FSGP application Ancillary documents Assembling application Reviewing package as a whole Learning from the process Q &A on any last minute issues/polishing Homework: Submit FSGP application

Timeline Due on or before April 16, 2018 – 11:59pm Step in Application Process Due Date FSGP Applications Process Closes (Complete Submittals Due) April 16, 2018 FSGP Scientific Merit Review Process Commences April 17, 2018 FSGP Scientific Merit Scores Forwarded to Office of Academic Affairs May 4, 2018 FSGP Award Announcements Made to Grant Recipients May 18, 2018 Grant Accounts Created and Monies Awarded June 2018 Due on or before April 16, 2018 – 11:59pm Incomplete or late grant submissions will not be reviewed

Application Components Submission Method Template Length/Limit Grant Proposal Checklist FSGP Application Package converted to PDF. X N/A Cover Letter FSGP Application Criteria Checklist Supervisor Approval Form NIH Biographical Sketch Template available through NIH. Copy and paste into FSGP Application Package to be converted to PDF. 5 Pages Proposal FSGP Application Package converted to PDF I. Title II. Abstract (500 word limit) III. Background and Significance of Project IV. Purpose, Hypotheses, Aims, Objectives V. Methods/Materials, Outcome Measures Data Analysis and Management, and Results Analysis 15 Pages (Supporting documentation and references are not included in the 15-page requirement) Project Budget Excel Template to be converted to PDF Disclosure of Financial Interests in Research Protection of Human Participants and Certification of Biosafety

FSGP Application Criteria Checklist Articulate which FSGP category of support Can only apply for one support category per application. Category 1 applications: If the answer to one or more of the questions is yes, an explanation of how the proposed project meets the criterion/criteria should be included in the Proposal Content Category 2 applications: Select 1 of 3 types of Category 2 programs (Bridge, Developing or Funded) Answer yes/no questions and provide an explanation of how the project meets the criteria for the program Details: pp. 5 – 6 in the FSGP Categories of Faculty Scholarship Support document Proposal Content for Category 2 projects should not contain information redundant to the Checklist form

Supervisor Approval Form Include a letter from the Dean/Chair/Director/Designee of the school/department/program of the PI prior to submission confirming that: Scholarly activity is part of the PI’s annual faculty evaluation goals, and this project is consistent with those goals (Question 1) Discussion has transpired between the appropriate supervisor and the PI and a plan is in place to cover his/her faculty obligations while completing the proposed project, and that the project fits with the overall function and goals of the PI’s academic unit (Question 2) Budget has been reviewed AND approved as submitted (Question 3) Project teams may consist of multiple faculty from SMU as well as faculty/practitioners from other academic institutions and/or institutions Provide the full name, professional title(s), academic rank (if applicable), institutional affiliation, and academic unit (school/department/ program) or clinical unit of each team member.

NIH Biosketch Use the sample format on the Biographical Sketch Format Page  Figures, tables (other than those included in the provided format pages), or graphics are not allowed May not exceed five pages per person

NIH Biosketch Name eRA Commons User Name Position Title Education/Training: Complete the education block. Begin with the baccalaureate or other initial professional education Include postdoctoral, residency, and clinical fellowship training, as applicable For each entry provide: the name and location of the institution the degree received (if applicable) the month and year of end date (or expected end date) the field of study (for residency entries, the field of study should reflect the area of residency training)

NIH Biosketch A. Personal Statement: Briefly describe why you are well-suited for your role(s) in this project. aspects of your training; your previous experimental work on this specific topic or related topics; your technical expertise; your collaborators or scientific environment; and/or your past performance in this or related fields. You may cite up to four publications or research products that highlight your experience and qualifications for this project Can include, but are not limited to, audio or video products; conference proceedings such as meeting abstracts, posters, or other presentations; patents; data and research materials; databases; educational aids or curricula; instruments or equipment; models; protocols; and software or netware. You are allowed to cite interim research products. Note: interim research products have specific citation requirements. See related Frequently Asked Questions for more information.

NIH Biosketch If you wish to explain factors that affected your past productivity, such as family care responsibilities, illness, disability, or military service, you may address them in this "A. Personal Statement" section Indicate whether you have published or created research products under another name

NIH Biosketch B. Positions and Honors List in chronological order the positions you've held that are relevant to this application, concluding with your present position List any relevant academic and professional achievements and honors

NIH Biosketch C. Contributions to Science All senior/key persons should complete this section Format: Briefly describe up to five of your most significant contributions to science The description of each contribution should be no longer than one half page, including citations Content: For each contribution, indicate the following: the historical background that frames the scientific problem; the central finding(s); the influence of the finding(s) on the progress of science or the application of those finding(s) to health or technology; and your specific role in the described work You may cite up to 4 publications including interim publications Provide a URL to a full list of your published work. NIH recommends using My Bibliography

NIH Biosketch D. Research Support List ongoing and completed research projects from the past three years Briefly indicate the overall goals of the projects and your responsibilities Do not include the number of person months or direct costs Do not confuse "Research Support" with "Other Support." Other Support information is not collected at the time of application submission Other Support: NIH staff may request complete and up-to-date "other support" information from you as part of Just-in-Time information collection.

Proposal Components Title Abstract (500 word limit) Background and Significance of the Project Purpose, Hypotheses, Aims, Objectives Methods/Materials, Outcome Measures, Data Analysis and Management, and Results Analysis Budget (Separate PDF attachment)

Project Budget Must include a detailed proposed budget for the entire project Budget template All expected expenses must be provided in a line-by-line format A narrative explaining how funds will be used during the project must also be included on the budget form Capital equipment purchases cannot be included in the budget required

Allowable Budget Costs Research assistants Statistician expenses Consultant costs Outside Faculty Paid Via an Independent Contract Research instruments (non-consumables) and/or data analysis software Research supplies (consumables) Clinical supplies if required Office supplies Photocopy costs Publication costs Professional grants management services as necessary (inquire first if this applies) Other Costs

Faculty Salary Support The costs of faculty salary support can be requested and are included in the total cost of the project A faculty member may choose to forgo any type of salary support Type 1 Release Time (Category 1 or Category 2): Faculty who have approved release time for the project (up to 144 hours) will budget the salary, taxes and benefits for adjunct or other faculty to cover their teaching responsibilities. This amount must be calculated in collaboration with the PI’s supervising administrator, e.g., Dean, Chair or Program Director Type 2 Faculty Supplemental Salary (Category 1 or Category 2): Faculty salary supplementation (in increments of $4,000 to a maximum of $12,000) can be added to faculty member/members’ base pay over the term of the grant. The costs of taxes and benefits associated with supplemental salary support will also be part of the grant budget. Provided for those faculty member(s) electing to continue full teaching load while engaged in the FSGP project or when release time is not available

Faculty Salary Support Type 3 Mentoring support for Adjunct Faculty (Category 1 or Category 2): Salary support can be requested for the adjunct faculty member to cover time of the adjunct while receiving mentoring. The budget should include the salary taxes and benefits (if applicable) for the adjunct who is being mentored Up to 15 hours of mentoring support per course for which PI has release time Limited to a maximum of two courses per year

Faculty Salary Support Received or expected additional funding for the research project Expected date(s) for submission of additional outside funding For multiple year grants, the proposed budget should show the estimated amount of the funding that will be used each year PIs may be asked to modify their funding requests for one of the following reasons: To meet overall funding goals of the FSGP each year (this is determined by the OAA) Per the recommendation of FORC/outside reviewers after the initial proposal review if the scope of the project and the budget do not seem aligned.

Protection of Human Participants and Certification of Biosafety All research requires review by the IRB/Biosafety Committee, irrespective of where the research is conducted An IRB Checklist, which summarizes the IRB-related status of the proposed project, must be submitted for each institution where will be conducted FSGP applications may be submitted prior to IRB/Biosafety approval of the proposal Any funding that is awarded is contingent upon IRB/Biosafety approval IRB/Biosafety approval must be obtained within six months of grant award, or forfeiture of funds may occur It is the PI’s responsibility to submit IRB applications in a timely manner in order to ensure that approval is received in sufficient time for funds to be allocated to the grant before the deadline for disbursing funds to the project

Reviewing Application

Formatting Requirements Use templates where indicated Header: Each page should include the name of the organization, project title, and full name of the Project Lead in the header’s left corner Margins: Use one-inch margins or greater Font: Use Times New Roman or Arial 11-point font for the main body of the text Page Numbering: Number each page of the document consecutively. Page numbers should be placed in the footer of the application document Spacing: Use double spacing Document Format: Print copies must be double-sided and paginated on 8.5 x 11 inch paper The electronic version of the application and the budget must be in PDF

Submission Files Ensure that the final electronic version of the application has Track Changes turned off and all editorial comments are either accepted or deleted Convert Word document to PDF Convert Budget Excel file to PDF Submit two separate PDF documents; the main application packet and the budget template File Name: Application: PIlastname_FSGPapplication_MMDDYY Budget: PIlastname_FSGPbudget_MMDDYY

Submission Methods One electronic copy of the entire application along with 4 printed, hard copies must be submitted Electronic submission: PDF version of the application to: If files are too large to be emailed, please contact the FORC Chair to make other arrangements for electronic submission, e.g. the use of Dropbox Hard copy submission: Submit 4 print copies to Veronica Paniagua Office of Academic Affairs, 450 30th Street, Suite 2718, Oakland, CA 94609. For questions regarding the FSGP program, eligibility, processes or application guidelines, email:

Learning from the Grant Process Grantseeking is a competitive, iterative process. Many grants aren’t funded on the first submission Learn as much as you can from each grantseeking process Reviewers’ comments are very valuable: pay attention


Sarah Ott Grants Consultant