Location Based service Match customer’s spatial search with retail location (timely unbounded, bi- directional control Market Potential Customer Potential Defined in Geographical Area – Rapid Customer trust through social component Use of social network Performance Potential Performance Tailored to local Peculiarities Communication with specific group of customers
Location Based service – Key Task Customer Acquisition Facilitate matching process of specialized Supply and Demand Attend to Impulsive consumer behavior Build a Reputation Performance maintenance and innovation Support of specialized and High Quality Products
Location Based service – Competence Networking competence Regional rootedness Performance Oriented towards situational factors
Target group-based services Market Potential Customer potential Specific customer requirement & individual purchase situation Acquanting oneself with product characteristics . Eg – ingredients, origin, tolerability Choosing Personalized information and services. Eg – obtainable product versions, additional offers Performance Potential Flexibly adaptable solution Retailers positioned to attend highly diversified and complex consumer needs with a wide range of products Retailers need both Technological and Process Competence
Target group-based services – Key Elements Customer Retention Communicate added value Increase Cross-Sales Establish Customer Partnership Performance Innovation Improved information and purchasing process
Target group-based services – Competence Customer competence Technological and process competence Network customer knowledge ( information Competence) Competence to attend to needs comprehensively (range of Products) Coordination along with the supply chain