A Bright Start… On your own, identify, using the correct terminology the following types of shot.
Creative Compositions Some examples, from a range of Media Products, of Creative Compositions
Shot Angles and Shot Sizes
Other Types of Shot An Establishing Shot An Establishing Shot is usually scene at the start of a film in order to establish the physical location the narrative will take place in. It also has the added effect of establishing the geographical proximity of objects and buildings, often foreshadowing events to come in the Film or Television Programme. An Establishing Shot of Hogwarts from Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, showing the Audience the magical/Fairy Tale space Harry is about to enter. It also provide geographical information in that Hogwarts is on an island and therefore surrounded by water. This foreshadows a potential narrative danger – should Hogwarts become surrounded then Harry and his new friends will become trapped…
Other Types of Shot Over the Shoulder Shot A shot of someone or something taken from the perspective from over the shoulder of another character. The back of the shoulder and head of this person is used to frame the image of whatever (or whomever) the camera is pointing toward. This type of shot is very common when two characters are having a conversation/argument/discussion.
Over to You… Working in pairs, identify the shot sizes and camera angles used in this 18 second sequence from Cowboys and Aliens…
An Over the Shoulder Shot which cuts to… A Medium Close Up which then… The sequence starts with an Establishing Shot which pans right which then cuts to… An Over the Shoulder Shot which cuts to… A Medium Close Up which then… Tilts down to reveal the wound and then … Tilts back up to return to the Medium Close Up the Tilt began on.
For Next Week… By the start of next week’s session, you are to have completed the following Task and posted it on your Blog… You are to choose a film which you feel uses shot size, camera angles and/or camera movement in a creative manner. Select a short sequence between 5 and 8 cuts long which demonstrates this creative use of the camera. Screen Capture (using Print Screen or the Snipping Tool in Windows) and capture each image. Put the images, in order, in a Word or Pages document (or a PowerPoint slide). For each image identify what shot size, camera angle and/or camera movement is being used and then analyse it: try and explain what each shot does or brings to the narrative. You can, of course, relate the shot to sound, edit, dialogue or action within the chosen sequence.
Homework Example The Cowboys and Aliens sequence starts with an ESTABLISHING SHOT of the desert. It looks hot and humid; there are no sounds as the camera pans right. As it does so (revealing more of the desolate desert landscape), a character appears in the frame, jerking up from the bottom right of the frame. This jarring emergence abruptly stops the pan and transforms the Establishing shot into a MEDIUM CLOSE UP. The combination of the character in the foreground and the desolate landscape in the background creates a SENSE OF ISOLATION for the character.