Ucsmsdk v0.9.0.0 UCS Python SDK
What is it? Python language binding to interface with Cisco UCSM APIs for CRUD operations Open source https://github.com/ciscoucs/ucsmsdk On Pypi https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ucsmsdk/ Apache License, Version 2.0 Not backward compatible with the earlier ucssdk 0.8.x
Installation using pip: using github: pip install ucsmsdk git clone https://github.com/CiscoUcs/ucsmsdk.git cd ucsmsdk make install
Design and usability Changes Every UCS managed object type is abstracted as a python class. Better code Writing/Reading by specifying the objects directly. CRUD APIs are simplified for usability Async API – Ability to watch for Ucs events convert_to_ucs_python – API to generate python script for operations done on the UI Low runtime memory usage Client side filter support (in addition to having server side filters) Client side parameter validation Samples packaged with the SDK Auto-generation of API reference documentation PEP8 compliance
Convert to ucs python Helps a user to get kick-started with ucsmsdk without having pre-requisite knowledge of Ucs Object Model or python sdk itself. Ability to generate python script based on operations done on UCSM Java based UI
Filters Filters can be specified as pure strings now, without the need of creating filters objects. filter = ‘(prop1, value1)’ filter = ‘(prop1, value1) or (prop2, value2)’ filter = ‘’’(prop1, value1, type="eq") and ((prop2, value2) or (prop2, value3))’’’ filter = ‘’’(prop1, value1, type="re", flag="I") and ((prop2, value2) or (prop2, value3))’’’
Event-handling Async APIs are provided to tap into Ucs event channel and look for specified conditions A poll-mode is also support if desired
Structural changes Code is restructured to ease usability Changes to enable community contribution Additional documentation and tests
Community email slack ucs-python@cisco.com We are on Slack - slack requires registration, but the ucspython team is open invitation to anyone to register here
Thank you.