STUDENT INSTRUCTIONS OBJECTIVE: This practical exercise measures your ability to correctly input various types of transactions into DDS. MATERIALS NEEDED: 1. Computer loaded with DDS Software. 2. Practical Exercise Booklet. 3. DDS Cashier Input Guide. 4. Pen/Pencil. 5. Calculator. 6. Classroom notes. INSTRUCTIONS: a. This exercise booklet contains 22 transactions, 8 Exchange Transactions, 8 Military Payments, 2 Collections, and 4 Disbursements for you to input. You will also be graded on balancing at the end of the day. Check your booklet now and if you are missing any portion or if it is illegible, obtain a new booklet from your instructor. b. You have 3 class periods to complete this exercise. You may take a break at any time, however, do not take exercise materials out of the classroom. c. All exercise requirements have only one correct entry. Make sure your answer is correct before saving. If you make a mistake or wish to change your answer after saving, “backout” the transaction and enter your new response. When backing out a transaction follow the steps in the input guide. Your instructor/proctor will have the admin password needed to complete the process. d. ALL WORK ON THIS EXERCISE MUST BE ON YOUR OWN. You may NOT communicate with other students, have or receive assistance, or make a record of your answers anywhere but on your answer sheet. Failure to follow these instructions will result in the appropriate disciplinary action being taken. You must score a minimum of 80% to receive a passing grade. e. Your instructor will advise you what to do when you complete of this practice exercise. f. Upon completion of this PE, turn in your PE booklet, answer cover sheet, completed DD Forms 2664, 2659 (2) and 2665, and any scratch paper or other issued materials to the Instructor. You will receive further guidance at that time. i
SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: You are a cashier at the 23rd FMCO Forward, Main Site. You have received an advance of funds. Follow these steps to complete the PE. 1. You must confirm your advance of $6067.50. Advance of Funds Information: US CURRENCY; 10 - $100’s = $1000.00 20 - $50’s = $1000.00 100 - $20’s = $2000.00 50 - $10’s = $500.00 50 - $5’s = $250.00 50 – $1’s = $50.00 Q(.25) = $10.00 D (.10) = $5.00 N (.05) = $2.00 P (.01) = $0.50 TOTAL $4817.50 FOREIGN CURRENCY; 100 – 20’s = 2000.00 40 – 10’s = 400.00 20 – 5’s = 100.00 TOTAL 2500.00 / US Equivalent $1250.00 2. Input the transactions found on pages 1 through 3. Input all transactions correctly. Use the accounting classifications on page iv when needed. ii
3. Once you have completed all the inputs for the day, verify all your reports except the DD Form 2665. Process a DD Form 1081 for a return of funds. You will be doing a full turn in, however you will not turn in all currency. Return the following currency items to the DO: US CURRENCY = 25 - 20’s = $500.00 TOTAL $500.00 FOREIGN CURRENCY = NONE After you turn in these funds you will have $2305.85 US and 1200/$600.00 FC for a cash on hand total of $2905.85 Turn in all collections, negotiable instruments, SVC loads, and paid vouchers. After you have completed your turn in, finalize the DD Form 2665. Below is the total amount of currency you have left on hand after your turn in. US CURRENCY= 5 – 100’s = $500.00 10 – 50’s = $500.00 50 - 20’s = $1000.00 10 - 10’s = $100.00 30 - 5’s = $150.00 39 – 1’s = $39.00 Q = $10.00 D = $4.50 N = $2.00 P = $0.35 TOTAL = $2305.85 FOREIGN CURRENCY= 50 - 20’s = 1000.00 20 - 10’s = 200.00 TOTAL = 1200/ US Equivalent $600.00 5. You will need to print your finalized DD Form 2665, DD Form 2664 and both DD Forms 2659 (disbursements and collections) and turn them into your instructor to be graded. Staple your DD Forms to the answer cover sheet provided to you at the beginning of the exam. iii
SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: The accounting classifications for disbursements and collections are: Military Payments Use the pre-filled accounting classifications in DDS. ODC = P NAVY FY APC EOR US EQ DOC REF IBOP ODC MTL QTY DISC 7 0232 4150 VARIES BLANK P BLANK N Manual Disbursements 7 1812 11B1 VARIES BLANK M BLANK N SF1034 Disbursements 7 2032 11B2 VARIES BLANK C BLANK N SF1049 Disbursements 7 2032 11B3 VARIES BLANK K BLANK N SF44 Disbursements 7 2109 11B4 VARIES BLANK F BLANK N Manual Collections 7 0Z02 1199 VARIES BLANK US 1 BLANK N DD1131 Collections 7 0Z16 1198 VARIES BLANK US 1 BLANK N iv
EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS MILITARY PAYMENT TRANSACTIONS Input the following 8 exchange transactions; MILITARY PAYMENT TRANSACTIONS Input the following 8 Military Payments; STUDENT NOTE: Address: 23rd INF DIV APO, AE 09808 Advance Repay = 1 month/Collection start code=1 OHA = Overseas Housing Allowance BAS = Basic Allowance for Subsistence The date to use for all checks will be given to you by the instructor/proctor, prior to beginning the exercise. 1
DISBURSEMENT TRANSACTIONS Input the following 4 disbursements; Student Note: Order # 123456 / Date 10/30/2007 Shipped From: Miami, FL Shipped To: Baghdad, Iraq 23rd INF DIV ADDRESS: APO, AE 09808 Received By: Gary C. Ashton Title: Paying Agent Ordered By: Jack Roush, LTC Title: Battalion Commander ADDRESSES: Khan Construction (Foreign) Paul West (US) 17 Damascus St Pier 54 Bldg 10500 Baghdad, Iraq Miami FL 33294 Stewart Electrical Inc. (US) Hancock Plumbing Co. 9256 Sunset BLVD 17 Jamia St Los Angeles, CA 92001 Baghdad, Iraq 2
COLLECTION TRANSACTIONS Input the following 2 collections; ADDRESSES: Sanders, Cameron (US) Rte 3 Box 29 Evans Mills, NY 13001 AAFES (US) 23rd INF DIV CAMP VICTORY APO, AE 09808 3