by Nancy Steele, Tracy Makison and Kate Beals Snow Cone Activity by Nancy Steele, Tracy Makison and Kate Beals
The Snow Cone was read to the students before making snow cones The Snow Cone was read to the students before making snow cones. Students were given an opportunity to touch the book and feel the cues. The book was used to reinforce instructions as students made snow cones. The book was used again as a review after the lesson.
Thick Poster Board was used as the backing for the book Thick Poster Board was used as the backing for the book. Black was chosen for contrast purposes. Poster board was cut into 12”x12” squares. The base of the snow cone was made with an actual snow cone paper cut and laid. Red and blue construction paper with small clear beads glued on was used to represent the ice.
The recipe object cue is a dot with a long dash made with puff paint on an index card . Board Maker icons were used for the picture symbols.
Larger clear beads are glued on to white construction paper to represent the ice cubes. Board Maker icons were used for the picture symbols
“On” was represented by a line with a dot on in the middle “On” was represented by a line with a dot on in the middle. It was created using puff paint on a colored index card. Board Maker icons were used for the picture symbols
15 paper fasteners were attached to a sentence strip to represent counting. Board Maker icons were used for the picture symbols
“Off” was represented by a line with a dot above it “Off” was represented by a line with a dot above it. It was created using puff paint on a colored index card. Board Maker icons were used for the picture symbols
A holder is cut in half and glued on the page A holder is cut in half and glued on the page. An snow cone paper is cut in half and glued on to represent the cone. Board Maker icons were used for the picture symbols
The actual scoop is glued on the page for scoop The actual scoop is glued on the page for scoop. A modified triangle with small clear beads are glued on the triangle. This is the way the ice came out of the snow cone machine when used. Board Maker icons were used for the picture symbols.
Colored plastic containers for bubbles were cut in half and mounted on an index card to represent the two flavors cherry and raspberry. Heavy bulletin board paper was cut in circles and powdered flavor was glued inside the circles to make a “home made” scratch and sniff. Board Maker icons were used for the picture symbols
White construction paper with blue marker on it and small clear beads were glued on top of it to represent pouring the syrup onto the snow cone. Pour is a red felt triangle with a wooden peg mounted on an index card. Board Maker icons were used for the picture symbols
A small spoon represents eat A small spoon represents eat. Board Maker icons were used for the picture symbols
A pipe cleaner that is looped and tacked onto an index card represents finished. Board Maker icons were used for the picture symbols.