Global Service Team
Envisioning en dag når alle behov i verden kan bli betjent av en løve eller leoi Vi er en global association focused on serving others. We are the global leaders in humanitarian service! As we start our new century, now more than ever, Lions around the world are needed…to take ACTION! Action towards envisioning a day when every need in the world can be served by a Lion or Leo. The Global Action Team consists of the Global Membership Team (GMT), Global Leadership Team (GLT) and newly formed Global Service Team (GST). Along with the Lions Clubs International Foundation, this global team will bring Lions together to put our motto, “We Serve,” into action. It creates a new and unified approach to service, membership and leadership development at all levels of the Association! En visjon om at en dag kan alle behov i verden bli betjent av en løve eller leo
Global Action Team Vision: Mission: Goal: En dag kan alle behov i verden bli served av en løve eller leo Det Global Action Teamet vil arbeide for å styrke/bruke LCI & LCIF og styrke stoltheten og lidenskapen vår som Lions and Leos gjennom service. Å sikre at Lions Clubs International påvirker 200 millioner liv gjennom tjenester/aktiviteter via 1,7 millioner Lion and Leo medlemmer og gir opplæringsmuligheter til 500.000 medlemmer innen 2020.
GLT Key Responsibilities Fremme lederutvikling og læringsmuligheter for alle medlemmer Øke totalt antall Lions som deltar i lederutvikling og kurs med 10% Identifisere og forberede nye ledere Kontrollere at følgende trening skjer på MD eller distriktsnivå: Klubblederutdanning Soneledertrening VDG1, VDG 2 og Distriktsguvernør trening The GLT is responsible for identifying and developing new Lions leaders. Some of their specific responsibilities include: Promoting leadership development and learning opportunities for all members. Increasing the total number of Lions participating in leadership development and learning events by 10% Identifying and preparing new leaders Ensuring that Club Officer Training, Zone Chairperson Training and First & Second Vice District Governor training occur at the MD or district levels (Allow some time for ideas/discussion if time allows): What else do you think we can expect from the GLT?
GMT Key Responsibilities Reduser medlemskapsflukt ved å øke medlemsengasjementet Chartere nye klubber på nye steder Chartere spesielle interesseklubber Invitere potensielle medlemmer til å delta i serviceprosjekter Lage vervekampanjer Behandle hvert medlem som familie Sørge for at nye medlemmer er riktig oppdatert om det som skjer I Lions The GMT will work hard to enhance member satisfaction and, in turn, increase our membership. Some of their key areas of responsibility include such things as: Decrease membership drops by increasing member engagement Charter new clubs in new locations Charter special interest clubs Invite prospective members to participate in service projects Conduct membership drives Treat every member like family Ensure new members are properly oriented, and in a timely manner (Allow some time for ideas/discussion if time allows): What else do you think we can expect from the GMT?
GST Key Responsibilities Sikre effektiv kommunikasjon og samarbeid mellom GAT-medlemmer for å skape: Lederutvikling, Medlemsvekst Utvidelse av humanitær tjeneste Støtte utviklingen og gjennomføringen av serviceprosjekter Være på linje med LCIs serviceramme, mening og visjon Bidra til følelsen av tilhørighet og stolthet til Lions og Leos Tiltrekke oss generasjonsdeltakere for å gjennomføre en effektiv service/aktivitet
GST Key Responsibilities Hjelpe til med å øke synligheten av Lions aktiviteter i lokalsamfunnene Finne og dele informasjon om suksess, muligheter og utfordringer på serviceprosjekt/aktiviteter Samarbeide med LCIF-koordinatorer for å sikre optimal utnyttelse av ressursene der samt øke engasjementet vedr. innsamling til fondet
GST Mål LCI Forward Forbedre Service & Focus Service Framework Service Goal Global Service Team Why have we created the GST? As you know, LCI Forward is our 5 year strategic plan designed to guide Lions Clubs into our second century of service. One of the LCI Forward core objectives is calling for us to enhance service impact and focus, which led to the creation of the Service Framework, consisting of five global service platforms. Building service opportunities around the five strategically selected service areas will help us reach our goal of serving 200 million people by 2020-2021. In order to implement the new service framework and reach our new century service goal, the Global Service Team was created as part of the Global Action Team. GST Specialists will work with Lions regionally in order to improve the value of service projects and the efficiency of service project development. They will work closely with Lions and with the Program Development team to ensure Lions have the greatest service impact and reach all spectrums of helping those in need.
The global service framework will be the footprint of our second century. Honoring our history and meeting emerging needs. And giving young people new opportunities to serve with us. [[Click to view animation]] And here are the five service areas within the service framework: vision, hunger, the environment, pediatric cancer and diabetes, with diabetes as our first global cause and area of focus. We plan to build on our tradition of serving youth by engaging them as volunteers and service leaders throughout the 5 service areas. With this enhanced focus and strategic investment in program and resource development we are confidently pursuing our new century service goal calling us to serve 200 million people per year by 2020-2021, tripling our current humanitarian impact. It is important to keep in mind that while resource development will focus on these five areas, the GST will continue supporting any and all local Lions projects with general service resources. The service framework offers Lions and Leos opportunities to engage in international service initiatives within the five service platforms. These initiatives will be supported by LCI resources (such as blueprints, mini-grants, innovative contests, advocacy, and partnerships) as well as LCIF funding opportunities. These exciting new resources and service opportunities are currently being developed, and these will be launched at the 2018 convention in Las Vegas. It all starts with the pride that Lions have in serving those in need. As we serve our communities, Lions create a sense of belonging and foster respect among the club members as well as the community. As servants, Lions work together to ensure that the needs of their community members are addressed, to strengthen their club and cement the membership. In turn, others feel inspired to join in helping and serving.
Let’s take a closer look at where the GST fits in with Service Activities as well as the Global Action Team. As the newest addition to the Service Activities division, the Global Service Team will work alongside Program Development and Leos to put service at the forefront of our organization. Each department within Service Activities will work together with complimentary roles to achieve our goals. We can think of Program Development as the think tank: researching and developing service programs and models, building tools to support project implementation and developing pilot programs to test new initiatives. The GST will act as the mobilizer: energizing Lions in the field to implement hands-on service projects, collecting and analyzing feedback on the needs and opportunities in all CAs. We will play an integral part in making sure the GST receives the data they need. This data will then be translated into valuable insights for the Program Development team to further improve programs and resources specific to each region. Outside of the Service Activities division, the Global Service Team will work collaboratively alongside Global Membership Team and Global Leadership Team. Together, GST, GMT and GLT make up the Global Action Team, unifying the three key areas of Lions: leadership, membership, and service. The GST will also work in a collaborative fashion with the Foundation in order to increase resources for service projects, bring visibility to our organization and the foundation, and support local Lions seeking grant funding throughout the grant cycle from needs assessment, progress reporting, site visits, to the final report. We want Lions to be cognizant of all the Foundation does and help spread the word to others in the field.
Global Action Team Structure Executive Officers Ambassadors Past International Presidents International Board of Directors LCIF Board of Trustees Immediate Past International Directors Global Action Team Chairperson, Vice Chairpersons & LCIF Trustee Liaison GLT Constitutional Area Leaders GMT Constitutional Area Leaders GMT GST Constitutional Area Leaders GLT Vice Constitutional Area Leaders GMT Vice Constitutional Area Leaders GMT GST Vice Constitutional Area Leaders GMT GST GLT Area Leaders GMT Area Leaders GST Area Leaders Multiple District Global Action Team Chairperson (Council Chairperson) GLT Multiple District Coordinator GMT Multiple District Coordinator GST Multiple District Coordinator LCIF Multiple District Coordinator Here is a high-level illustration of what the collaboration between the Global Action Team and LCIF will look like. District Global Action Team Chairperson (District Governor) GLT District Coordinator GMT District Coordinator GST District Coordinator LCIF District Coordinator Club Global Action Team Chairperson (Club President) GLT First Vice President/Leadership Chairperson GMT Membership Chairperson GST Service Chairperson LCIF LCIF Coordinator
Global Service Team & LCIF Structure Executive Officers Global Action Team Chairperson, Vice Chairpersons & LCIF Trustee Liaison Ambassadors Past International Presidents International Board of Directors LCIF Board of Trustees Outgoing International Directors GST Constitutional Area Leaders Area Leaders Multiple District Global Action Team Chairperson (Council Chairperson) Multiple District Coordinator District Global Action Team Chairperson (District Governor) District Coordinator Club Global Action Team Chairperson (Club President) Club Chairperson LCIF Club Coordinator Vice Constitutional Area Leaders Let’s take a closer look at the GAT – LCIF relationship. LCIF fits in through its collaboration with the Global Service Team in particular, as is illustrated here with two-way arrows. LCIF coordinators and GST members benefit from promoting each other. LCIF supports the service of Lions and the service of Lions can be aided by financial support from LCIF. By highlighting the importance of both, the relationship between service and financial support for the foundation is strengthened. The GST members and LCIF coordinators will serve as leaders at the club, district and multiple district levels. By collaborating at each level, plans can be integrated and developed to achieve multiple goals. At the Constitutional and Area level, where LCIF doesn’t have coordinator representation, we will be responsible for championing the Foundation to membership. Fundraising goals are established by LCIF, so that we can respond when Lions seek funding through eligible grants. Without the support from LCIF, Lions cannot meet some of the large scale needs within their community or respond to unexpected disasters.
GST Duty to Support LCIF Inspirere og motivere til tjeneste/aktivitet Fremme og fortelle om LCIF Støtte LCIF med donasjoner og fundraising Støtte LCIF prosjekt Here’s what we plan to achieve with a GST – LCIF collaborative relationship: We, along with GST MD and D coordinators, will help identify projects that need and qualify for grant funding and assist in the full grant cycle. This includes understanding every step of the process from the needs assessment through the final reporting, including site visits. We must also encourage donations and inspire Lions by telling the LCIF story. LCIF can bring resources to many service projects, particularly grants. LCIF can improve the visibility of Lions service and build partnerships We want to build Lions’ expertise in terms of disaster preparedness. This will lead to more timely, efficient and thoughtful response to disasters.
Global Service Team Goals Strategy GST Goals and Strategy The GST has worked to set concrete goals and formulate a strategy in order to reach these goals.
Help us Build the GST that you need GST Goals Hands-on service project implementation Diabetes project implementation MyLCI reporting LCI app utilization (benytte appen) Collaboration with LCIF coordinators (samarbeide) Support International President Aggarwal’s 2017-2018 Goal: Serve 150 million people In development: Youth engagement – Lion and Leo collaboration Partnerships with global and local organizations Help us Build the GST that you need To reach the new prestigious goal of serving 200 million people per year and maximizing our service impact, the GST will be tasked with a set of goals. For the FIRST year, the goals have been identified as follows: -increase service project implementation by 5% -increase service reporting by 5% -increase diabetes service projects by 7% -encourage LCI app utilization where applicable -collaboration with club LCIF coordinators Each of these goals will help support IP Aggarwal’s 2017-2018 Goal of serving 150 million people this year. Additional strategies are also in development in order to reach the following goals: -greater youth engagement in project development -increased partnerships with local organizations and businesses In the coming years, goal setting will be district specific, which will allow the GST District Coordinator to take a deeper look into the needs and opportunities in his/her district, communicate these needs through the structure, and in turn receive more regionally appropriate support from the us as well as from the GST team at headquarters. In the end, our biggest priority is to help build the GST of the future, the GST we need. In order to create a strong and successful team that will best support Lions in our area, we must work with the GST specialists as colleagues and plan on engaging with them regularly in this pilot year.
Resources Utdannelsesmateriale tilpasset alle ledelsesnivåer Hva er tilgjengelig nå: Centennial Service Challenge Legacy Projects Rapporter tilgjengelig Ulike rapporter per ledernivå Kan spore klubber som ikke har rapportert aktiviteter. Sammendrag per type aktiviteter The GST team at Headquarters wants to work with us to build region specific resources that help us reach our goals. The resources already available and in development are for Lions at all levels. The Lions Learning Center is available for training opportunities for district-level leadership and club-level Lions. Other resources already available to us include: The Centennial Service Challenge with the inclusion of Diabetes for the 2017-2018, the centennial legacy projects, and various leadership development tools such as Lion Learning Center courses, webinars, and regional institutes and seminars that can further develop our skills. Additionally, there are several reports available through MyLCI. Depending on the leadership level, we will be able to see how different clubs are keeping active. There is the availability to see which clubs have not yet reported any services activities, as well as see those that have per type of activity reported. (We have an exhaustive list of what reports are available at each level for you).
Resources Under utvikling: Prosjekt Ideer Grunnleggende prosjektplanleggingsressurser Prosjektblåkopier Løpende kommunikasjon mellom LCI og GST-ledere er avgjørende for regional ressursutvikling A quick-sheet of project ideas is also in development, which will provide Lions and Leos with ideas of simple, turn-key, impactful service projects that are customizable to different Lions communities. The project ideas range from beginner to advanced, and can be adaptable to any region of Lions. The program development department is currently working on a groundbreaking service project tool called the project blueprint that will allow for service project planning and implementation in a more effective and regionally customizable way. Again, it is key to have constant two-way communication between our regional specialists and ourselves in order to create more regionally appropriate resources. This includes talking to Lions, data-gathering and giving feedback to specialists as new resources become available.
Global Service Funds available to ALL MDs and Districts to support training: GST-MD Coordinator Operating Budget (US$600) GST-D Coordinator Operating Budget (US$250) District Funding Zone Chairperson Training MD Funding 1st & 2nd Vice District Governor Training While not available yet, the Global Action Team- Service multiple district and district coordinators will be eligible for an operating budget. This budget is used for covering expenses incurred by the coordinator while fulfilling his/her responsibilities. (i.e. webinar services, training costs, travel for service related activities or attendance at district related meetings). Multiple district coordinators can receive a budget of $600 USD and district coordinators can receive a budget of $250 USD once all the requirements are completed.
Operating Budgets: To Receive Funds Yearly Plan Operating Budget Disbursement form Two Online Courses In order to receive their operating budget, the multiple district and district coordinators must complete the following: Submit a development plan (will be specific to service). This will be done via the Global Action Team development plans and progress reports webpage. Complete 2 required online training courses that will be available on the Lions Learning Center (LLC); lists of the suggested courses will be available to the coordinators shortly. While it is required for the multiple district and district coordinators to take these courses, we, as leaders, should familiarize ourselves with this material as well. Coordinators need to submit a multiple district/district operating budget disbursement form to the global service team staff at
Project Ideas Sponsor a child in need to attend a diabetes camp. Hold a fundraiser for a local diabetes camp or foundation. Plant trees. Consult your local environment authorities to determine the type and number of trees needed and the location for planting. Host a photo contest that focuses on nature and the environment. Prepare and deliver food baskets to families in need. Host a healthy eating event. Invite a nutritionist as a keynote speaker. Tutor the child with cancer, as well as his siblings. Take the siblings shopping for school supplies or clothes. Support a guide dog training program through fundraising or voluntary labor. Host a "Beep Baseball" game or tournament. Partner with youth to paint a mural or create a community mosaic. Engage youth to remodel a children’s center or school room: paint, repair, or landscape. Here’s a snapshot of some of the project ideas from the quick-sheet resource mentioned previously. It is important to keep in mind that these are only suggestions of projects to be implemented. All of these projects have been successful in different parts of the world. You may be able to implement them with a few changes to match the specific needs in your communities, and the availability of local resources.
What can be done now: Verdensdiabetesdag Tirsdag 14. november 2017 Verdensomspennende innsats for å skape bevissthet om de eskalerende helsetruslene skapt av diabetes Lokale tiltak eller forhåndsdefinerte aktiviteter Worldwide Service Week Å bekjempe sult: 9. januar til 15 For å beskytte vår planet: 17. til 23. april For ungdom: 7 til 13 august Tjeneste i sikte: 10. til 16. oktober We have been called to take immediate action by PIP Tam. So let’s go out and encourage Lions in our communities to engage in some of the service dates and campaigns coming up in conjunction with our final Centennial year. World Diabetes Day is November 14. As our new global service focus, let’s encourage Lions worldwide to partake in diabetes-aligned projects. We are also continuing the Worldwide Weeks of Service for each Centennial Service Challenge campaign. If you need help with project ideas, contact your LCI regional specialist for assistance.
Effektiv prosjektering Horisontalt samarbeid med GMT, GLT og LCIF Takeaways Verdi: Rapportering Effektiv prosjektering Horisontalt samarbeid med GMT, GLT og LCIF Bygge den GST vi trenger Benytt regionale spesialister som ressurser We need you to help spread the message and goals of the GST with Lions everywhere. It is vital that together, we have the correct information on hand so we can share our goals with Lions in order to meet them. Here are the takeaways from this presentation. We strive to: -increase the value of hands-on project delivery in order to meet our new service goal. -increase service reporting in every region. We can’t reach our service impact goal if Lions aren’t reporting the service impact of their projects. -improve project development efficiency. This means planning simple, off the shelf, turnkey projects efficiently and with a greater service impact by utilizing tools and resources available. -work collaboratively with GMT, GLT, and LCIF. -work with our regional specialists to build the GST we need. This last point is key in the pilot year of the Global Service Team. This means utilizing your regionalization and communicating with the regional specialists regularly. Not only do we have our regional specialist, but our program development team is there to support us as well. Our specialists are the gateway between the development house and us. Together, we will put service at the forefront of our organization. LCI wants to support us, and we need to work together in order to reach our goals and improve service impact in all areas. This is why you all will be taking a survey: to see the strengths and needs of each region and how they differ. Later this fall, this survey will be sent to MD and D coordinators. Please help encourage your GST coordinators to complete the survey in order to help LCI build need-specific tools.
It is time for Action Now is the time for action. We will show the world we care. We will show the world we are ready to roll up our sleeves and solve problems.