Smarter balanced, off-grade level Test Administration Training TAs & Staff Who Support Testing Fall 2016-17 This PPT was created to support training of Test Administrators. Please supplement information in this PowerPoint template with information specific to your district and schools. Considerations During your training, you can demonstrate the WCAP-portal User Cards and the Washington Assessment Management System (WAMS) by accessing online and sharing the purpose of each page as you are walking staff through it. Smarter balanced, off-grade level OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/10/2018
Introductions ____________________________, Principal ____________________________, District Test Coordinator (DC) ____________________________, School Test Coordinator (SC) ____________________________, District Administrator (DA) You may want to consider including an introduction to each team member presenting this training. You may also want to make note if you have a special guest (i.e., principal). OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Acronyms Test Components/Systems Manuals and Guides User Roles AVA: Assessment Viewing Application CAT: Computer Adaptive Test ORS: Online Reporting System PT: Performance Task TIDE: Test Information Distribution Engine WCAP Portal: Washington Comprehensive Assessment Program Portal Manuals and Guides TAM: Test Administration Manual TA User Guide: Test Administrator User Guide GTSA: Guidelines on Tools, Supports, & Accommodations User Roles DC: District Test Coordinator DA: District Administrator SC: School Test Coordinator TA: Test Administrator IS: Instructional Specialists Here is a list of several acronyms to remember for the Fall Retake Administration. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
WCAP Portal Resource for information about the Washington Comprehensive Assessment Program (WCAP). OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Test Administration Resources Test Administration Manuals TAMs Online: SBA ELA & Math, Off-Grade Level Science TAMs Paper-Pencil: SBA ELA, SBA Math, SBA Math-Spanish, Off-Grade Level Science TAMs are intended to provide specific instructions for the administration of all state assessments. Details include information on security, coding, logistical, online and paper-handling requirements This includes your TA scripts of Student Directions for administering assessments All resources are found at the Washington Comprehensive Assessment Program Portal: TA User Guide This user guide supports TAs who manage testing for students participating in the WCAP practice tests, training tests, and operational tests. Guidelines on Tools, Supports & Accommodations for State Testing Universal Supports – Available for all students Designated Supports – Available for all students determined by team Accommodations – Available for students with an IEP or 504 Plan All of the resources listed on this page are located on the WCAP Portal. TAMs include specific instructions for the administration of each assessment. Details include information to support test security, coding, logistical, and online and paper handling. TAMs also include the TA scripts for reading student directions. The TA User Guide supports TAs who manage testing for students participating in practice, training, and summative assessments. The Guidelines on Tools, Supports, & Accommodations provides detailed information on: Universal tools, that are available to all students Designated supports, that are available to all students. Use of a designated support is determined on an individual student level by an educator or team who is knowledgeable of the student’s needs. Only a DC, DA, or SC user role can set designated supports in TIDE. Accommodations, that are available to students with a documented need that is noted in the IEP and/or 504 plan. The TIDE User Guide is your resource for understanding test eligibility and test settings. There are many modules available for your review on the WCAP Portal. Each provides detailed information while walking you through the system or application. TIDE User Guide This user guide supports TAs who support the assessment effort. You should be familiar with concepts of test eligibility, test settings, supports, & accommodations Modules AVA, TIDE, TDS TA/Student Interface, THSS (for Interims), ORS, SBA Performance Task, and What is a CAT
Navigating WCAP Portal Receive emails on current postings Need to locate information? The Search and “Advanced Search” option is available on the upper left side of your User Card The WCAP Portal is your source for information about the Washington Comprehensive Assessment Program (WCAP). Register for email alerts regarding newly posted information by clicking on the “Register for email alerts/Manage Account” link in the upper right-hand corner, of the homepage. The search option is a tool for locating information. Click on the Resources tab in the upper toolbar on the homepage. The Advanced Search feature allows you to refine your search by searching for a specific word (e.g., Translation) or by entering the name of the document. A list will display all documents that relates to the information entered into the search field. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Portal Cards Recently Added The AIR Ways Reporting allows users to view interim assessments for administrative or instructional purposes. Soon to be Removed The Classroom Activities (CAs ) card as the CAs are no longer an option for 2016-17. Having selected the TA User Card, this page provides additional cards available to you. Any portal card with a “lock icon” requires a WCAP login and password. Forgotten passwords can be retrieved by clicking on any locked portal card & clicking on “Forgot Your Password”? link. The Training Test Administration card is accessed by TAs to open Training and Practice Tests for Smarter Balanced, and Training Tests for Off-Grade Level Science The Training Test sessions for SBA are grade band 3-5, so when grade 3 is selected for off grade level testing it may actually include a grade 5 type problem. There are only 6-8 questions in the training section and the primary purpose is to understand how to use the tools. You may use overhead projectors and provide instruction with the class on the use of tools. Practice Test sessions are not secure. They are grade level specific and about 30 questions. Students practice the actual question types. The Test Administration Resources card hosts all required training materials and materials to support each current test administration. The Test Administration Certification card is an available training tool that is highly recommended by the state and may be required by your district. This training includes a walkthrough of the Test Administration interface. It also provides information on verification of student data, administering assessments online, and monitoring students. The TIDE card is your gateway for verifying student information, student test settings, and submitting appeals for testing incidents. The Test Administration card is the interface for the administration of the Smarter Balanced Summative and Interim assessments, and the Off-Grade Level science assessment. The Smarter Balanced Assessment System has three components: summative assessments designed for accountability purposes; interim assessments designed to support teaching and learning throughout the year; and formative assessment processes, supported by professional learning and instructional resources located in the Digital Library. The Interim Teacher Hand Scoring System card is used to support scorers in the hand scored portion of the interim assessments. Scores on interim assessments will not be available until the items on the assessment are hand scored in this section. Interim assessments should be administered following the same protocols as the Summative assessments. Administering the interim blocks provide target results for the class. The Online Reporting System card is used to plan and manage testing (participation reports) and student score reports (Interim and Summative). The Classroom Activities card is being removed, as classroom activities are no longer available for the 2016-17 test administrations. The Digital Library card provides subject- and grade-specific resources intended to help educators apply the formative assessment process during daily instruction. In addition, the Digital Library has collaboration features that allow users to rate materials and share their expertise with educators across the country. The Digital Library has a different login that must be reset by the District Test Coordinator. The Assessment Viewing Application (AVA) is a component of the Test Delivery System that allows authorized users to view interim assessments for administrative or instructional purposes. The AIR Ways Reporting card provides student performance reports for the Interim Comprehensive Assessment (ICA) or the Interim Assessment Block (IAB) assessments. AIR Ways consists of a Dashboard page and various assessment reports. The Dashboard provides a summary of all the assessments associated with a particular user or institution. The assessment reports provide detailed performance data for each of those assessments. For additional information in support of these cards, please refer to the corresponding user guides and modules available under the Test Administration Resources folder. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
TIDE System Managing users & student information OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
TIDE Overview Access the TIDE icon from the Test Administrator User Card and Login Verify Student Information Teacher Hand Scoring Materials Submit Appeal With the TA user role, you can perform the following tasks in TIDE: Verify your students information under the Student Information tab. You can refine your search by adding additional search criteria. When needed, download the Voice Pack, under General Resources. The Appeals tab is used to submit a request for actions to be taken on tests, such as re-opening a student’s test segment that was inadvertently logged out. Follow the process communicated by your SC regarding submitting appeals and notifying the SC. Follow instructions set by your SC regarding changes within the Test Incident Codes section, under the Data Clean Up tab. For detailed instructions about using TIDE, refer to the TIDE User Guide by clicking Help in the upper right banner in TIDE. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Training, Practice, Interim, & Summative Assessments Understanding testing options OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Training and Practice Test Options This is how students can take practice tests at home. For example, how a member of the public can take a practice test. TAs can also use overhead with students during this session. Guest student Guest session Requires a Test Administrator with a user account in TIDE Guest student Real session Requires the student to be present in TIDE and requires a Test Administrator with a user account in TIDE Need Test Session Tickets for this setting This closely mimics the operational environment Real student Real session Training Tests Simulates summative in tools, software, accommodations, student & teacher experience, Includes a range of items but no performance task Organized by grade-band, 6 questions, not scored Practice Tests: Mirror summative but are not scored, approximately 30 questions Includes embedded tools, supports, accommodations Interim Tests Simulates summative in tools, software, accommodations, student & teacher experience Administered in Blocks (@ 20 min Math, 30 min ELA) or Comprehensive (same as Summative) Scored; remains with students’ records over time WCAP Portal Homepage WCAP Portal User Card folder There are a few different ways for students to practice taking tests and for TAs to become familiar with the testing system.. As a guest, students may take the practice test at home; no TA is required. This also is how parents or other members of the public can take tests to see what they are like. In order to set up a “real” training session, a TA needs to log in to the training site with his/her credentials from TIDE. For this option, anyone can be a student – a teacher, principal, student, etc. They just sign in as a guest. In this last option, the TA logs in to the training site with his or her user credentials, and the student logs in using their credentials as well. The benefit to using this session type is that it closely mimics the operational tests. You will need to print test tickets for this option. Students get to practice using whatever designated supports and accommodations are assigned to them in TIDE. For 2016-17 all student settings are controlled in TIDE. TAs will no longer apply settings while logging students in to a test session. WCAP Portal OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Interim Assessment Access Points This slide provides an overview o Interim assessments access points. The interim blueprints and training guides are in the Test Administration Resources folder of the Portal. Test blueprints include critical information about the number of items, score points, and depth of knowledge for items associated with each assessment target. Teachers can now review the interim assessments through the Assessment Viewing Application card (comprehensive and block) and determine which blocks most closely match an area of current instruction. Hand Scoring guides are available to TAs in TIDE to aid teachers on calibrating and scoring the Interim assessment. Interim assessments for students are administered through the Test Administration interface card. The interim Teacher Hand Scoring System icon is the access to hand scoring open-ended interim block or comprehensive assessments. The Online Reporting System reports score results. Must administer both the PT and the CAT in a comprehensive assessment to see the score in ORS. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Online Tests—Operational Smarter Balanced ELA and Math Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) Performance Task (PT) Off-Grade Level ELA, Math, and Science Available, as documented, for high school students attempting a lower grade level assessment Administered the same as MSP & SBA Assessments Modules for Online Testing TA/Student Test Administration Delivery System (TDS) Interface TIDE—Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE) ORS– Online Reporting System What needs to happen before administering summative assessments? Students should have the opportunity to participate in the Training/Practice tests on the computers that will be used for operational testing. Become familiar with: The differences between the assessments (Summative and Interim) and where they are accessed (through the Test Administration card from the TA User Card). The assessments that you will be supporting for the Fall Retake which include Smarter Balanced and Off-Grade Level. Components of the tests being administered. The Smarter Balanced summative assessments include the: Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) Once started, a student will have 45 calendar days to complete a CAT Performance Task (PT) Extended math problems or writing tasks Once started, a student will have 15 calendar days to complete a PT ELA is presented in two parts and should be administered in two separate sessions. Math is administered in one session. The Test Administration interface module will assist users as they navigate the online testing system and use the student test registration and TIDE. The ORS module will assist TAs as they navigate the Online Reporting System. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
General Rules of Online Testing Have available headsets, when required. Students must enter an answer for all Smarter Balanced items on a page before they can move on to the next page. Students can mark a question for review later but must attempt an answer before moving on. Once a test or section (CAT, PT) is completed, students cannot go back and review questions. If a student can use a calculator, one will be provided in the tools menu. Students using calculators on non-calculator portions of a test will have their test results invalidated To end a test, a student must click on the “End Test” button in the navigation menu. They will be asked to confirm if they wish to end the test. The button does not appear until all questions are answered. Students will see a review screen before finally ending the test. Students and Test Administrators are automatically logged out after 30 minutes of inactivity. If a TA session is timed-out, all student tests are automatically paused. Prior to being logged out, a warning message will appear. Become familiar with the administration directions (SAY boxes) so you sound natural. Ensure headsets are available when applicable. If a student can use a calculator, one will be provided in the tools menu for online Smarter Balanced Assessment. For Off-Grade Level Science and paper testers, follow the Calculator Policy and instructions in the content specific TAM. Students using calculators on non-calculator portions of a test, will have their test results invalidated. Students must enter an answer for all Smarter Balanced items on a page before they can move on to the next page. Students can mark a question for review at a later time, but must attempt an answer before moving on. Sessions should be started no more than twenty minutes prior to beginning the testing session. Write the session ID number on the board – not on the test ticket – ID sessions are case sensitive. If a test is paused for more than 50 minutes, the student is: Required to log back in to the student interface, with TA approval. Presented with the page containing the item(s) he or she was working on when the assessment was paused (if the page contains at least one blank item) OR presented with the next page (if all items on the previous page had something entered). NOT permitted to review or change any previously answered items, even if they are marked for review (with the exception of items on a page that contains at least one item that was blank). Once a test or section (CAT, PT) is completed, students cannot go back and review older questions. To end a test, a student must click on the End Test button in the navigation menu. They will be asked to confirm if they wish to end the test. The button does not appear until all questions are answered Students will see a review screen before finally ending the test. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Starting Online Test Sessions (TA Interface) TA starts a session by logging into WCAP no more than 20 minutes prior to testing, selecting test(s), approving student access, and monitoring student progress. When more than one test type (PT/CAT) is opened in a session, the student will see both test options. * The TA approves each student within each test type and should deny access if the student has logged in to the wrong test. Students are displayed on the TA interface grouped by test. If a student arrives late: the student can join a session in progress with TA approval the TA can add another content area or grade level test to the session already in progress When students are unable to log in, verify using “Student Lookup” that they are entering their log in information correctly. Legal first name, SSID and session ID. Remind staff that the session cannot be started more than 20 minutes prior or the students will get an error message as they try to log in that states the session does not exist. Ensure that all TAs are familiar with: Starting a testing session. How a student accesses the session, on time or late: Approve students to join the session. If the designations do not appear to be accurate, use the “eye” icon to look up their test settings. If changes need to be made, deny the student and have them log out. Notify your SC so that changes can be made in TIDE. Once the change is made, have the student log back into the same session. Students can join a session already in progress TAs can add an exam to a session already in progress How tests can be administered to students taking different assessments. *High school students participating in the Off-Grade Level SBA will also see the on-grade level SBA. Carefully approve the student to his or her correct exam. Note that a student may get to the last question on 43 or 46 (CAT), even though the TA interface still shows 44. Test Security Reports are required to be submitted to the district office after the testing window has closed. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Student Interface Students log into the Session using their legal first name (as listed in the Student Information System), SSID number and session ID. If students are unable to log in, verify that they are entering their login information correctly. If a student arrives late: the student can join the session in progress with TA approval the TA can add another content area or grade level test to the session already in progress, if necessary Students will only see their grade level exams. Student login is the same for practice, interim, or summative assessments. Common error messages indicate the student login information didn’t match or 20 minutes has passed since the session started. Students can join a session already in progress. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Ending a Session Remind students the session is about to end: When there are approximately ten minutes left in the test session, the TA should give students a brief warning. SAY: We are nearing the end of this test session. Please review any completed or marked for review items now. Do not submit your test unless you have answered all of the questions. After all students have indicated they are finished, the TA will: Print the session report before you select “Stop Session”. Stop this session by selecting “Stop Session” on the top left. Students who need more time will need to log back into another TA session Ending a session means student work, while saved all along, is saved with additional restrictions on returning to the test: For the CAT, every answer is accepted and cannot be changed, even when flagged. Students can only return to the last unanswered question. For the PT, students can return to the segment and can make changes within the segment. Students can never go back to a previous segment, unless an appeal has been submitted and approved for a special unique circumstance (i.e., students computer logged them out unexpectedly). If you need to stop a CAT in the middle for a student to return to later, write the stopping time on the board. Allow 10-15 minutes to review. Be sure all questions have been reviewed and final answers are marked. Tell the student he/she will start on the first unanswered question when they return. Select the print icon on the banner tab before you close the session. This will print a report of student progress and completion rates. Be sure the Session ID is visible or written on the report. This is also a good practice for the TA to record or log session ID numbers for interim assessments for future reference. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
End of Segment – Notification to Students Both the CAT and the PTs are presented in segments. When students reach the end of a test segment, they will receive a warning message asking them to confirm that they want to move on to the next segment. The warning also advises that they cannot return to change their answers in the current segment once they have moved on. TAs should ensure that students understand the outcome of ending the test segment. This message reminds students to check their answers before moving on. On rare occasion a student may inadvertently submit his/her test before finishing it. Contact the School Test Coordinator to see if the incident qualifies for reopening a segment. Students receive a clear message that they are leaving a test segment and cannot go back to these questions at another time. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Paper-Pencil Tests—Operational General Rules of Paper-Pencil Testing Read the administration directions (SAY boxes) so you sound natural. Review the Materials Available for Student Access document so students have access only to those tools and manipulatives allowed for the test being administered. Follow the GTSA on whether an assessment permits the use of a particular tool, support or accommodation. Students using calculators on non-calculator portions of a test, will have their test results invalidated. Review your school’s Test Security and Building Plan to become familiar with: Testing schedule and seating arrangements Accessing testing materials on the day of testing, distributing and collection from students within the testing environment, and returning to the SC. Once a test (Off-Grade Level Science, if administered in a single setting) or segment (CAT, PT) is completed, students cannot go back and review questions. Students return all materials provided during the testing session and TAs inventory, prior to releasing students. Prior to testing, read the student directions (SAY boxes) so you sound natural. Students testing via paper-pencil should have an opportunity to become familiar with available practice test resources on the portal and OSPI website. Ensure headsets are available when applicable. If a student can use a calculator, make sure that the model is one that has state approval. Review the Calculator Policy on the WCAP Portal. For paper-pencil assessments, follow the Guidelines on Tools, Supports, & Accommodations on whether an assessment permits the use of a calculator. Students using calculators on non-calculator portions of a test will have their test results invalidated. Become familiar with the school’s Test Security and Building Plan, including: Testing schedules Seating arrangements Processing materials for return to SC Validate that the student testing is the one that you are providing the login information to. Once a test or segment is completed, students cannot go back and review older questions. This includes online and paper testing.
Online Reporting System (ORS) Test Management Center Participation Reports in Plan and Manage Testing (have/have not completed) Test completion rates (by school, grade, subject and opportunity) Summary Statistics (percent proficient, not available for IAB) Retrieve student results (download Excel files by teacher and roster) Score Reports Interim Assessments Summative: Smarter Balanced, Off-Grade Level Use the Online Reporting System (ORS) to manage testing and print score reports. ORS has two main components: Test Management Center and Score Reports. There is also the ability to manage a roster in ORS (which is connected to TIDE) rather than going back to TIDE. You can search a SSID and see what tests the students has completed even if new to your district. Score reports can be generated by rosters (previously referred to as “group data” sorts). Rostering makes it easier for TAs to view the results for their students. Students can be in more than one group. For example, the SC creates a roster group for the 5th grade teacher who provides math instruction to all students.
Participation, Assessments, & Schedules Washington comprehensive assessment program OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Online testing window for Smarter Balanced and Off-Grade Level Science Oct 24–Nov 18 Paper testing window for Smarter Balanced and Off-Grade Level Science (IEP) Oct 31–Nov 18 Participation Fall 2016 (retake) Smarter Balanced ELA and Math Available to students in the class of 2018 or earlier who have not yet passed the ELA or math assessment and/or met the ELA or math assessment graduation requirement. Available to students in grade 12 who tested on the ELA or math assessment in 2016 and would like to attempt a higher score. Off-Grade Level ELA, Math, and Science Off-Grade ELA and math are available for 11 & 12 grade students as a graduation alternative, specific for students pursuing a CIA. Grades 11 and 12 Science Off grade testing is a graduation alternative, specific to students pursuing a CIA in the Classes of 2017 and beyond Lets take a moment to look at the participation and state testing windows outlined on this page. Each school’s testing schedule is built within the state window and approved by the DC. TAs will follow their approved testing schedule for administering the Smarter Balanced and Off- Grade Level assessments within the state mandated window. When administering accommodated forms (braille, large print, Spanish), schedules must be set within the state paper-pencil testing schedule, even if your school is testing online. Students who meet standard on the Off-Grade Level assessment are still required to participate in the accountability assessment on-grade level standards in 11th grade. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Participation and Room Scheduling Who will test where? Extended-time location [Add your notes here] Make-up Testing (when permitted) Make-up Testing location Break procedures [Add your staff break, hall monitor plan information here] [Add the emergency contact number/plan should a TA need help during the assessment. Have them write the contact information on the back cover of the directions packet] Add building specific notes and the process for calling students and reminding them of the importance of this testing opportunity and for identifying the schedule and location. Students arriving late may test if approved by the school district. Extended testing time: All assessments are untimed, therefore follow your school’s Test Security and Building Plan for extended time testers. When the extended testing time area is in a new location, only trained staff may transport the booklets and any ancillary papers, calculators, and/or manipulatives to the new location. Make-up Testing Location: Provide the school’s make-up testing schedule and location. A trained staff member must transport the test booklets and any ancillary papers, calculators, and/or manipulatives. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Tools, Supports, Accommodations, and Manipulatives Headsets required for: ELA CAT listening portion, some PT tasks and for students requiring text-to-speech Math CAT & PT for students requiring audio glossaries and text-to-speech Some tools are universal and all students have access. Refer to the TIDE User Guide for a list of tools available to all students through the Test Administration Interface (TDS) Guidelines on Tools, Supports, & Accommodations for student access Materials Available for Student Access document for list of non-embedded tools available to students by test Calculator Device Policy for restrictions and access Manipulatives and tools not listed are not allowed, unless approved through a Non- Standard Accommodation or Designated Request form When the student sees the “audio test” as they log in, this is the indication that a headset is required for this student or within this segment. Supports and accommodations may be needed, refer to the Guidelines on Tools, Supports, & Accommodations for specific questions about appropriate use of tools. If a student’s IEP or 504 Plan stipulates the use of a support not listed in the GTSA, notify your DC. Verify that supports have been accurately entered for students. Work with your SC if changes are necessary. Any allowed tool, manipulative, or support used on a state assessment should be familiar to the student. Optional tools and manipulatives need to be placed in a location where students can get them, if they elect to use them. The Materials Available for Student Access document, along with the TAM, provides details as to what is permitted for each assessment. Locate this document on the Portal. Manipulatives and tools not listed, are not allowed. The Calculator Policy must be read when administering a test where calculators are permitted. Students having access to a calculator on a non-calculator portion of a test will have their tests invalidated. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Guidelines on Tools, Supports, Accommodations Universal Tools Access features of the assessments that are either provided as digitally delivered components of the test administration system or separate from it. Universal tools are available to all students based on student preference and selection. Designated Supports Access features of the assessments available for use by any student for whom the need has been indicated by an educator (or team of educators working with the parent/guardian and student). They are either provided as digitally delivered components of the test administration system or separate from it. Accommodations Changes in procedures or materials that increase equitable access during the Smarter Balanced assessments. Accommodations are available for students with documented IEPs or 504 Plans. Consortium-approved accommodations do not compromise the learning expectations, construct, grade-level standard, or intended outcome of the assessments. This slide presents a summary of the three levels of support provided to ensure student access to state testing. The Guidelines on Tools, Supports & Accommodations details each of these levels and is located on the Portal. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Checklist to Prep Prior to Testing Room is ready; inappropriate materials covered or removed Student seating designed to prevent viewing of peers screens or test booklets. TAM in the classroom Tools clearly identified for the subject area and available for students Place Testing-Do Not Disturb sign on door Clear district provided calculators, if applicable Identify location for placing backpacks, bags, and non-approved electronics Pick-up booklets at _______ (Return booklets each day) The rules for each administration may differ slightly. Be prepared by knowing what is allowed and not permitted for each test. Run through your room ready checklist to make sure materials in the testing location related to the content of the test being administered have either been covered or removed. Verify your student seating chart to ensure locations are far enough apart to prevent students from viewing peers screens or test booklets. An exam type layout, as opposed to a collaborative setting. Have all necessary materials placed in the classroom prior to testing sessions. This includes TAM, tools, supports, and/or accommodations, manipulatives, and ancillary papers, as permitted. Examples include glossaries, scratch and graph paper. Add your Testing—Do Not Disturb sign on the door outside of your testing location. Take care when not to obscure security windows on doors; Establish your location for when students are directed to turn off non-approved electronics and place them with backpacks and purses in that area. Students must be directed to move these items prior to beginning the test. Know the process for collecting secure testing materials on the day of testing. Will they be delivered or will you pick them up? Have an established process for checking out and checking back in all testing materials to students (i.e., test booklets, answer booklets, test tickets, scratch and graph paper). Materials must be accounted for prior to releasing student(s). Remember: All materials distributed within the testing environment are considered secure and must be processed according to your school’s Test Security and Building Plan. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Monitoring Students During Testing Actively monitor. Ensure students are: Using #2 pencils Only using allowed tools, manipulatives, and/or electronic devices. Use of a calculator on a non-calculator portion of a test will invalidate student test results Not writing on the ½ inch outer edge of the booklet Not sharing their work Reading and re-reading the Student Test Directions (SAY Boxes) is permitted (not test questions) It is permitted to remind all students to be sure to complete all items. This can take place prior to testing and again when students begin to turn in test booklets If a student asks for help on a question try: I can’t help you with your test Always try your best. Read the question again Think about what the question is asking you to do Use your pencil to underline key words in your test question Create a comfortable testing environment; smile and make eye contact whenever possible. Students are monitored by trained staff until testing is complete. If a different pencil lead type is used, you may never know what questions were not scanned and scored accurately. Notify your SC right away. Only permit allowed calculators during calculator permitted questions. Allowing a calculator on a non approved calculator portion of a test, will invalidate the students test. Students must turn non-approved electronic devices off and place bags and electronic devices away from their testing location. If students write within a half inch from the outer edges of the test booklet, they should be reminded that work can only be scored if it is within the student response area. TAs are allowed to: Re-read test directions as many times as needed to support students. It is not permitted to read aloud passages, scenarios, stimuli, or test items. Help students by navigating the online system, locating the toolbar, and turning pages when needed in paper booklets. TAs may not assist students with responding to test items. Be prepared for students asking for more help than you are permitted to support. The list in the green box can help support students in a positive way: Always try your best Read the question again Think about what the question is asking you to do Use your pencil to underline key words in your test question I can’t help you with your test Be prepared for students in need of an extra break or who request help navigating the assessment? OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Break Procedures [Add your staff break information here] Online Testers: Pause test session Paper-Pencil Testers: Close test booklets Online and Paper Testers: Instruct students not to discuss the test Students are monitored by staff Bathroom break – one student at a time Ensure students do not have access to electronics or other unapproved materials [Add your staff break information here] [Add the emergency contact number/plan should a TA need help during the test] Break procedures include instructing students to: Pause the test session, for online testing Close test booklets when paper-pencil testing Not discuss the test with their peers Students must be monitored during breaks. Be sure to have available your break information and emergency contact information should a need arise. Follow the break procedures in the unlikely event the class has to leave the room for an emergency. Do not attempt to collect the booklets. Student safety first; follow the emergency procedures. TA should pause the assessment, if possible, but not at all necessary. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Testing Irregularities 1. Take Corrective Action to mitigate the incident and document. Report to SC as soon as possible, but no later than the end of the day 2. School Test Coordinator (SC) will need to document in TIDE and Pre-Id Roster Impropriety – A low risk of potentially affecting student performance on the test, test security, or test validity. Example: Student walks out during testing Circumstances are usually corrected at the local level. An impropriety is reported to the School Test Coordinator (SC) immediately (and the SC reports to the DC). This type of appeal may require an appeal be entered into TIDE for resolution. Let’s Review 4. State or District Test Coordinator (DC) authorizes appeal if necessary Irregularity – An unusual circumstance that impacts an individual or group of students and may potentially affect student performance, test security, or test validity. Example: Student(s) provided a non-approved accommodation or calculator 3. Irregularities must be documented by the end of the day and reviewed by DC or State within 24 hours Circumstances may be corrected at the local level. An irregularity must be reported to the SC immediately (and the SC reports to the DC). The DC will notify the state and enter an appeal in TIDE for resolution (should an appeal be required). School Test Coordinator (SC): Name: Enter SC Name Phone: (XXX) XXX-XXXX District Test Coordinator (DC): Name: Enter DC Name There are several types of irregularities. Each type may be addressed differently. All irregularities must be reported and documented promptly. This helps to ensure a fair and equitable testing environment for all students. Take corrective action to mitigate the incident. Take careful notes, including as much detail as possible such as date, time of day, who was involved, the item number (when applicable) and details of the incident. Prompt communication is important and should follow your school’s Test Security and Building Plan for reporting all testing incidents to your SC. Most frequent incidents reported include: Technology issues occurring while testing online Students having access to non-approved personal electronics, such as cell phones Instructional materials being left in classrooms or posted to walls for student access Students not being permitted supports or accommodations as identified in the student plan TAs deviating from the prescribed student directions Breaches are considered a high risk. An example would be if a student or adult had released secure test content or student responses. This is immediately reported to the SC, DC, and State. Follow security practices for transferring secure or confidential information. Do not use electronic devices or email. 5. Breaches must be reported to SC, DC, and to the State immediately and documented in TIDE Breach – Cheating, staff modification of student answers, release of secure test content These circumstances have external implications for the Consortium and may result in a Consortium decision to remove the test item(s) from the available secure bank. A breach incident must be reported to the DC and SC immediately and entered in TIDE for resolution (should an appeal be required). OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Appeals Types Reset, Restore, and Invalidation appeals may be requested by DC, DA, SC, and TA users, but require state level approval Examples of testing conditions that may require an appeal to be set in TIDE include, but are not limited to: Student was unable to complete the test segment due to technology difficulties Student inadvertently leaves the segment unfinished The image on this slide displays the Reset appeal and provides conditions for use. Refer to the Professional Standards, Incident, Reporting Guidelines for complete detail and follow your instruction in school’s Test Security and Building Plan. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Protocols, Security, and Responsibilities Before, During, & after testing OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Security, Policies, & Responsibilities RCW 28A.635.040, RCW 42.56.250, WAC 181-87-060 State Laws Governing Test Security All secure test materials are confidential. No part of test material may be reproduced or transmitted. Who is authorized to be in the room Trained Test Administrators (contracted personnel only- no volunteers) Other adults including teachers who are not administering the tests should not be in the testing location No media Professional Code of Conduct The Professional Code of Conduct is codified by the Washington State Legislature in WACs and RCWs. A list of complete rules and regulations can be found online: ProfPractices/CodeConduct.aspx. Maintaining test security is critical to ensuring confidentiality of test content and the validity of students results. No part of test material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system. For TAs requiring access to secure test information while supporting students with special testing needs (e.g.; Human Reader), refer to the Guidelines on Tools, Supports, & Accommodations (GTSA) for specific instructions. No test materials may be reviewed, retained, discussed, or used for instruction Know who should and should not be in the testing environment. Your DC and/or SC will actively monitor testing locations to ensure adequate support. Allowable and prohibited behaviors are detailed in the Professional Standards, Incident, Reporting Guidelines. The Office of Professional Practices (OPP) is charged with enforcement, including discipline of educational practitioners for violation of the Professional Code of Conduct. OPP receives, investigates, and makes legal findings regarding complaints. A complete list of rules and regulations can be found online: The Office of Professional Practices (OPP) is charged with enforcement, including discipline of educational practitioners for violation of the Professional Code of Conduct. The office receives, investigates, and makes legal findings regarding complaints. Unprofessional conduct must be reported to OPP at (360) 725-6130.
Teacher Responsibilities Familiarize students with test-taking strategies Familiarize students with question formats Multiple-Choice Short-Answer Completion Essay Stand-Alone Familiarize students with how to accurately fill in an answer circle Encourage students to try questions and tasks even if they are uncertain Help students to relax and be confident Avoid excessive testing and coaching Use test results appropriately, including maintaining confidentiality of individual student results. Teachers are expected to provide students with an opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills that will be assessed. Teachers shall accomplish this, primarily, by providing students with a rich instructional program. There are many resources available to support students with test taking strategies and to ensure they are familiar with the different question formats. This may include: Showing students how to fill in answer circles on paper-pencil tests. Familiarizing students with question formats. The Training and Practice tests are great resources for this. Encouraging students to try questions and tasks even if they are uncertain. Helping students feel relaxed and confident. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
TA Responsibilities (Before Testing) Complete test administration training and review all state testing policies and administration documents prior to administering state tests Complete and sign a Test Security Staff Assurance Report (part 1) Become familiar with the TA script (before/after) and directions to student (SAY boxes) Confirm access to TIDE and verify student information Have a list of tools, supports, accommodations and manipulatives needed for the assessment Familiarize yourself with the school’s Test Security and Building Plan Provide a positive environment and prepare your room TAs can do a lot to ensure that testing goes smoothly The TA is the primary role for administering state assessments. This slide and the next two slides outline the duties of the TA before, during, and after testing. Annual spring training is required and provides important information and updates specific to each assessment. When completing training, sign the Training Log and sign the Test Security Staff Assurance Report. It may also be required by your district to attend training specific to the retake administrations in fall and winter. These trainings provide important information specific to the retake administration. The rules for each administration may differ slightly. Prior to testing, please be sure that you read the administration manuals for clear directions on each administration. To help you become familiar with the role of a TA, read the directions to the student portion (SAY boxes and TA text) and the Final Processing Steps for TA (After Testing) sections of the TAM, prior to administering tests. Confirm that you have access to TIDE and become familiar with all cards and pages as they pertain to your responsibilities. Confirm your student information is in TIDE. Work with your SC for any student that is not in TIDE. Know which materials (scratch paper, manipulatives, etc.) are permitted for each test. Inventory stock and alert your SC if additional materials are needed. Become familiar with your school’s Test Security and Building Plan. This should include the information needed for testing schedules, seating arrangements, processes for handling secure materials, testing students, and reporting incidents. Know who to contact and how to contact your SC and/or DC should you need assistance during testing. Students must be actively monitored at all times by a trained TA during testing. At least one TA must be in the testing location at all time. Know your break schedule and hall monitor plan. Identify a location for students to store non-approved electronic devices and purses. The student directions being read by the TA will instruct students to turn off electronic devices and place them along with bags, in a location identified by you. Provide a positive pre-testing experience with students and prepare your testing room. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
TA Responsibilities During & After Testing Receive materials no earlier than the current day of testing Check materials out to students and be prepared to check them back in Read TAM directions (SAY text) verbatim Monitor students Report irregularities to the SC After: Implement your check-in process for collection of testing materials, prior to releasing students. Complete and sign Part 2 of the Test Security Staff Assurance Report Process materials according to your Test Security and Building Plan. Return materials directly after each testing session. TAs play an important role to ensuring a positive testing environment and maintaining test security. Maintaining careful records helps to ensure that there are no missing secure materials. Follow your school’s Test Security and Building Plan for tracking and returning all test materials. TAs only access testing materials just prior to each administration for a single day. Inventory materials when received from your school to ensure that you have the appropriate students pre-identified test booklets or pre-ID test tickets. If a discrepancy is noted, immediately alert your SC for resolution. Check test materials out to students. Verify to ensure students’ names have been added to ancillary materials such as glossaries, graph, and scratch paper. Papers passed out during testing are considered secure. Helping students navigate the online system (moving pages or locating the toolbar) or pages within a test/answer booklet are permitted. It is not permitted to point out a specific tool on the tool bar, or to alert an individual student to complete a test item that was left unanswered. A TA may inform the entire class to be sure to check that all questions have been completed. Immediately return all testing materials to your SC after completion of that days testing session. This includes test booklets and ancillary papers passed out during testing. Processing materials at the end of a testing session All materials checked out during a testing session are considered secure and must be checked back in. This includes all materials distributed (i.e. test booklets, answer booklets, test tickets, braille, large print, translated CDs, Listening Scripts, scratch/graph paper, Glossaries, etc.) Follow your school’s Test Security and Building Plan for securely shredding ancillary papers (scratch/graph). ELA PT1 scratch paper (lined) must be redistributed for PT2 and shredded at the completion of PT2. Student should write their name on their scratch paper for PT2. Test tickets may be reused but must be secured between testing sessions. Do not write the session ID on the test tickets. If materials are noted as missing, immediately notify your SC. Verify that all test or answer booklets are signed by students. Complete and sign the second portion of your Test Security Staff Assurance Report. Include an explanation of boxes checked “no” and notation of missing materials. As required by OSPI, sign and submit the report, along with your secure testing materials, to your SC. Process materials according to your Test Security and Building Plan and immediately return materials to your SC. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Required and Suggested Documentation Required Documentation Signing the Training Log for State Assessments at completion of training session Test Security Staff Assurance Report One for each person in the training log Complete page one prior to testing Complete page two at completion of testing If yes is marked for irregularity, ensure all documentation is complete Documentation of testing incidents Suggested Documentation Complete Inventory checklists of all materials Documentation that is required to be completed includes : Signing the Training Log for State Assessments at completion of school district training sessions Signing the Test Security Staff Assurance Report. Sign part 1 prior to testing and part 2 after testing has concluded. If yes is marked for irregularity, ensure all documentation is complete and has been provided to the SC. It is suggested to retain a log of all test materials and a copy of your Test Security Staff Assurance Report. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Contact Us: Phone (Mobile): (__ __ __) __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ Test Administrators Contact the School Test Coordinator for questions or to report issues School Test Coordinators Phone (office): (__ __ __) __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ Phone (Mobile): (__ __ __) __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ The following communication plan has been established: TAs must contact your SC and or Technology Coordinator for technical questions. SCs will contact the DC The DC will contact OSPI for general assessment questions or the WAhelpdesk for technical issues. OSPI will refer all school staff questions back to your DC for support. This will ensure that you receive the most up-to-date information, including school district procedures and policies. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION