Expression in a Media Object Tying It All Together: Media & Semiotic Theory Institutional Means of Transmission The Cultural Encyclopedia: Learned Codes, Genres, Symbolic Correspondences. Semiotic networks and structures of meaning. Subjectivities & Identities: class, ethnic, national & gendered identities; sexualities Ideologies & Discursive Practices Receivers/Reception/Audiences: Media construction of subjects: implied receivers and subject positions of interpreters Producers/Production/Sending: Shared codes and Contexts of Production Expression in a Media Object Dialogic Encoding: Intertexts & Intermedia Prior, Contemporary, & Presupposed works and genres Dialogic Decoding: Commentary, Supplements, Restatements, Interpretations The Media System in which an expression appears: technologies & social hierarchies of media; social & institutional histories of media forms and genres. Economic and Industry Contexts; Consumer Market Conditions