BY: Catherine O’Carroll, Monica Osnaya, Anita Montano A Walk Down Memory Lane BY: Catherine O’Carroll, Monica Osnaya, Anita Montano
This is Savannah .
Savannah’s Parents tell her to take the purple bus home
Savannah encodes what her parents tell her and because it is important she stores it.
Today in class, Savannah learns a mnemonic device (PEMDAS) to help her in her math class.
During class, everyone talks about important moments in their lives During class, everyone talks about important moments in their lives. Savannah talks about the fact that her baby brother was born 2 days after she turned 5. She remembers this and that specific order because of her episodic memory. CAKE
While Savannah is waiting for the bus, a red car passes her and she registers it for a split second in her mind, stimulating her sensory memory.
Savannah sees the purple bus When Savannah sees the purple bus, she remembers her mom told her earlier in the morning to take it. Savannah is Retrieving the information.
Savannah sees the license plate on the bus and her short term memory stores the license number in her memory for about 30 seconds.
When Savannah gets home, she sees her dog yuppers and using her declarative memory she knows yuppers has four legs.
When Savannah gets home, she really wants to ride her back When Savannah gets home, she really wants to ride her back. However, she has not been on it in a while so she needs her procedural memory to help her. BIKE
During Savannah’s bike ride, she see’s a beautiful large tree and using her semantic memory, she knows the tree has many branches.
Savannah fell off her bike on her way home from her friends house Savannah fell off her bike on her way home from her friends house. She forgot what she was doing before she fell. She had retrograde amnesia
When Savannah gets home from the bike ride Every night, Savannah watches her favorite superhero take down the villains by using his photographic memory to spot who was at the bank robbery. She watches her favorite superhero on TV
As Savannah watches TV she remembers the time When Savannah remembers the time she met her favorite superhero at a superhero convention she is using her long-term memory. She met her favorite superhero!
After watching TV, Savannah makes sure When Savannah goes over her spelling words every night, she is successfully rehearsing the words so she can remember as many as possible. to go over her spelling words for at least 30 minutes
After learning her new spelling words, she forgets her other spelling words from last week. Savannah is having Retroactive interference
Glossary Encoding- processing of information into the memory system: extracting meaning of a stimulus Storage- Maintain in memory; refers to keeping information in memory over a long period of time. Retrieval- when the subjects locate information stored in memory and bring it into consciousness. Sensory Memory- The stage of memory that registers information from the environment and holds it for a very brief period of time Short Term Memory- The active stage of memory in which information is stored for about 30 seconds Long-term Memory- information is held for an extended period of time, perhaps a lifetime Declarative Memory- is memory of facts and events, and refers to those memories that can be consciously recalled Procedural Memory-is a part of the long-term memory that is responsible for knowing how to do things, also known as motor skills.
Glossary cont... Episodic Memory- chronological record of your life Semantic Memory- general knowledge NOT tied to time Rehearsal- the more we repeat things, the more we remember them Mnemonic Device- Acronym: (PEMDAS) Retrograde Amnesia- loss of old memories; from newest to oldest Interference- Productive Interference Old Interferes w/ new Retroactive Interference New Interferes w/ old {PORN} Photographic Memory- the ability to remember information or visual images in great detail