Cardiothoracic Surgery Specialty Training Courses Narain Moorjani SCTS Cardiac Surgical Tutor Sri Rathinam SCTS Thoracic Surgical Tutor
Overview ST 1 Introduction to Cardiothoracic Surgery for Foundation Year Doctors & Core Trainees 2 Essential Skills in Cardiothoracic Surgery 3 Introduction to Specialty Training in Cardiothoracic Surgery Operative Cardiothoracic Surgery Course 4 Core Cardiac Surgery Course Core Thoracic Surgery Course 5 Intermediate Viva Course Non-Technical Skills for Surgeons (NOTSS) 6 Cardiac sub-specialty course (mitral valve, thoracic aorta, TAVI, heart failure) Thoracic Sub-specialty Course (VATS lobectomy, tracheal surgery, chest wall surgery, oesophageal surgery) 7 FRCS (C-Th) Revision / Viva Course Birmingham Review Course London Core Review Course 8 Cardiac Pre-Consultant Course Thoracic Pre-Consultant Course Professional Development Course
Education delivery Interactive small group sessions Wet-lab ‘hands-on’ experience Live operating simulation High-fidelity ‘Orpheus’ human factors simulator Viva examinations (during programme & prior to exam) Low fidelity simulator with video feedback
Current progress All courses for nationally appointed trainees (ST3-8) successfully run with excellent feedback, delivered free of charge to the trainees – first surgical sub-specialty to achieve this. Currently being written as a manuscript Additional courses run fro Foundation year doctors, core trainees and ST2 trainees on run-through programme Accreditation from RCS Ed - course programmes continuing to evolve ‘Training the trainers’ course for faculty
CPB management
Wedge resection
Supervisor assessment of trainee’s operative skill and confidence
Supervisor’s assessment of knowledge and clinical decision making
“I felt more confident to allow the trainee to perform more of the technical aspects of subsequent operations” 1 3 7 5
SCTS Education Operative Video Prizes Cardiothoracic Surgical Trainees (NTN and non-NTN) are invited to produce an operative video, appropriate to their year of training (see attached list overleaf) Prize for the best overall cardiac and thoracic video The videos should be submitted as a high definition (HD), AVI or MPEG-4 video file, 4-8 minutes in duration, and can be made using any recording device, including smart phones, video cameras or professional equipment Please include patient consent and consultant approval with the submission If selected, the videos may be edited and included in an SCTS operative videos app For further details, please contact Narain Moorjani (SCTS Cardiac Tutor) or Sri Rathinam (SCTS Thoracic Tutor) at Closing date 5th January 2017
SCTS Education Operative Video Prizes Every trainee should be encouraged to submit a video Empowers trainees to contribute to their own education Modern method of conveying information Part of ARCP assessment (similar to writing a manuscript or completing an audit)