attitudes Beliefs and feelings about objects, people and events. Can determine how people will react to different stimuli.
How Attitudes Develop 4 different factors Conditioning Observational Learning Cognitive Evaluation Cognitive Anchors
Conditioning Childhood Usually follow attitudes about things as shown by parents, teachers, siblings and friends. EX: Parents who believe it is important to share may praise a child when he/she shares a toy with a friend. Thus conditioning the child to hold a positive attitude about sharing.
Observational learning We acquire attitudes from other people Watching how people we admire talk, dress and act Teens often use this style to develop their attitudes.
Cognitive evaluation Evaluating evidence to form beliefs. Usually use this method when people think they have to justify their beliefs. EX: Political alignment/political issues
Cognitive anchors Earliest attitudes Persistent beliefs that shape the way a person sees and interprets the world.
Attitudes and behavior The definition of attitudes suggests that peoples attitudes are always consistent with their behavior. This is clearly not true! EX: most people know smoking is harmful to their heath; however, they still smoke. Attitudes are more likely to guide behavior when people are aware of the attitude. Verbalizing an attitude makes it come to mind quickly and are more likely to influence behaviors.
Attitudes following Behavior Most of the time attitudes come first! Attitudes are likely to follow behavior when people are encouraged to follow a behavior that goes against their attitude. People often suffer cognitive dissonance or an uncomfortable feeling of tension when experiencing this contradiction. In order to reduce this effect people may try to justify their behavior and gradually change their attitude. EX: Having to argue the opposite side of an argument to which you don’t agree.