SOCIAL STUDIES HIGH SCHOOL – AP PSYCHOLOGY Unit 11—Social Psychology Group Dynamics Conformity, Compliance, Obedience Aggression/Antisocial Behavior Content Vocabulary: Social psychology Attitude Attribution theory Persuasion Phenomenon Role Conformity Facilitation Social influence Loafing Deindividuation Group think Group polarization Culture Space Personal space Prejudice Stereotype Discrimination Ingroup Scapegoat Aggression Exposure effect Equity Passionate love Self disclosure Companionate love Altruism Bystander effect Norms Conflict Social trap GRIT Mirror image perceptions Self fulfilling prophecy Superordinate goals Cognitive dissonance theory Social exchange theory Unit 11—Social Psychology Attribution Processes Organizational Behavior Interpersonal Perception Attitudes and Attitude Change Essential Understandings/Learning Goals: Examine the study design, findings, controversies and implications on the research of Asch, Milgram, and Zimbardo Examine the cultural, social, emotional and cognitive factors that contribute to the persistence of stereotypes and prejudice Discuss the role of the group on group polarization and groupthink Discuss the issues related to attraction and aggression Discuss altruism