“Winners to Champions” Creating Peak Performance in Your Organization Dr. Fred M. Mills Transportation Conference F. M. Mills, Inc. (209) 954-9528 Office (209) 954-0188 FAX (209) 608-0946 Cell FMMILLSCO@aol.com
Iceberg Behavior Feeling Attitudes Beliefs Values F. M. Mills, Inc.
Attitude Information we attach an emotion to. A habit of thought. A directional lean either towards or away from something on a subconscious level. F. M. Mills, Inc.
Why Customers Quit 68% quit because of the attitude of 3% move away. 6% develop other friendships. 9% leave for competitive reasons. 14% don’t come back because of product dissatisfaction. 68% quit because of the attitude of indifference toward the customer by one or more of the employees. F. M. Mills, Inc.
How Attitudes are Formed STEPS: We are born neutral (Empty Bucket). We begin interacting with environment. “Experts” evaluate our every performance. Negative & positive thoughts & feelings are deposited (like rocks) in their respective buckets. F. M. Mills, Inc.
Attitude Formation Words…. Others or Self jaws Pictures…. Real or Imagine Feeling…. Limbic System “Real or Synthetic Rock in Bucket” F. M. Mills, Inc.
The Big Difference is Whether it is Positive or Negative.” Attitude “There is Very Little Difference in People But that Little Difference makes a Big Difference. The Little Difference is Attitude. The Big Difference is Whether it is Positive or Negative.” F. M. Mills, Inc.
Why We Don’t Change Fear Lack of Pay Value Don’t Know How Lack of Feedback F. M. Mills, Inc.
Positive Change Individual Peak Performance Peak Performing Teams: Structure Peak Performing Teams: Climate Peak Performing Mindset