Physical Fitness 7th
Reduces the Risk of: Heart disease Certain cancers Type II diabetes Unhealthy body weight Depression and anxiety Much Much More!!!
5 Components of Health Related Fitness
1. Cardiovascular Endurance The ability to deliver oxygen & nutrients to working muscles over sustained periods of time.
Best way to improve cardiovascular endurance is through aerobic exercise.
2. Muscular Endurance The ability of a muscle to repeat a movement for an extended period of time.
Best way to improve muscular endurance is through aerobic & anaerobic exercises.
3. Flexibility the ability to move joints and use muscles through their full range of motion. How flexible are you?
Best way to improve flexibility is through stretching exercises.
Body Composition the amount of fat in the body compared to the amount of lean mass.
Lean Mass Muscles Bones Tendons Ligaments Organs
Muscular Strength The ability of a muscle to exert force for a brief period of time.
Best way to improve muscular strength is through anaerobic exercise.
SKILL RELATED FITNESS Fitness components important for success in skillful activities and athletic events.
AGILITY The ability to change body position and direction quickly and efficiently. Key activities such as: basketball, soccer, racquet sports, skiing, ect: any sport/activity you need to change direction quickly.
BALANCE The ability to maintain the body in proper equilibrium. Key in activities such as: gymnastics, diving, skating, skiing, football, wrestling etc.. Testing your balance: Can you stand on one foot for 1 min?
COORDINATION The integration of the nervous and the muscular systems to produce correct, graceful, and harmonious body movements. Key in wide variety of activities: golf, basketball, baseball, soccer, karate – anywhere where hand – eye- foot movements must be integrated.
POWER The ability to produce maximum force in the shortest time. By combining power, speed and force (strength) – allows a person to produce explosive movements: jumping, shot put, spiking/throwing/hitting a ball. How is your power? Standing Long Jump Test – how far can you go?
REACTION TIME The time required to initiate a response to a given stimulus Important for starts of races, racquet sports, and self defense. How is your reaction time? Paper Drop Hand slap
SPEED The ability to propel the body or a part of the body rapidly form one point to another. Many if not most sport and activities required bursts of speed at some point.