The Cold War : Korea 1950 - 1953
Post War Struggles In 1945, the US accepted Japanese surrender in South. The USSR accepted Japanese surrender in the North. Neither country would leave unless the other did. Agreement was reached in 1948 to split the country. 38th parallel was the line. Pyongyang was the N cap and Seoul was in the South.
War!!! On June 25, 1950, North Korea attacked the South. The North was backed by the USSR’s weapons. Only Pusan remained by September. The U.N. voted to assist the South. Truman ordered MacArthur and troops from Japan.
Inchon Pusan was barely defensible. MacArthur ordered a secret attack at Inchon. US forces broke out of Pusan while Seoul was liberated. By October, U.N. forces were at the Yalu River. Chinese forces poured across the border and drove us back. By November, back to the 38th
Truman vs. MacArthur
MacArthur Fired MacArthur wanted to use “the bomb” on China. Truman refused. MacArthur went straight to Congress to complain. Truman fired MacArthur Fighting continued until summer of ‘53. Armistice was signed, but no treaty. Truman never recovered.
War at Home Fear of communism continued at home. The House un-American Activities Committee was formed to get ‘em – HUAC Hollywood was targeted. The Hollywood Ten refused to testify and were jailed. Hollywood Ten
McCarthyism In the early 1950’s, Senator Joe McCarthy seized on fear. He announced that communists were working in our gov’t. – State Department He made claims that Congress, neighbors, etc… were commies. People were afraid to speak out. He finally accused the army and was nailed.
Spies In 1948, Alger Hiss was convicted of perjury in a spy case. Evidence was obtained in the 1990’s to that effect. The Rosenbergs were convicted in 1950 for selling A-bomb secrets to the Soviets. They were sent to ‘Ol Sparky” in 1953. Later evidence also proved them to be spies.