Alcohol and Tobacco Chapter 8
Alcohol and Tobacco Smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol generally begin during adolescence. Alcohol and tobacco are generally considered gateway drugs. 52.1% of Americans older than 12 years of age use alcohol. Responsible drinkers do not let alcohol threaten their physical or psychological health or the health of others. Alcohol use becomes harmful use when one drinks while knowingly damaging one’s health. Alcohol abuse occurs when the drinker’s harmful use of alcohol affects social interactions such as with one’s job, family, and friends.
Alcohol Use, Abuse, and Dependence Alcohol abuse becomes alcohol dependence or alcoholism when signs and symptoms of alcohol dependence syndrome occur. Alcoholism has been shown to have a variety of origins, many of them biological. Heredity: People with a first-degree relative Behavior and temperament: More likely if impulsive, aggressive, and have short attention spans, slow ability to calm oneself, a thrill-seeking nature, and an inability to delay gratification. Alcohol Use, Abuse, and Dependence
Alcohol and College Students Alcohol abuse often appears or accelerates during college years. Alcohol is the most abused drug among college students. Moderate drinkers who do not abuse alcohol cite a variety of reasons for drinking, such as social ease or stress relief; they are not goal-oriented drinkers (i.e., drinking to get drunk). Heavy drinkers who abuse alcohol usually drink for escapist and goal-oriented reasons.
Alcohol and College Students Freshmen or sophomore status and low GPA are associated with alcohol abuse. Binge drinking is often accompanied by drinking games. The risk of unconsciousness, coma, and death increases as alcohol consumption increases. 5,000 alcohol-related deaths occur each year among those aged 18 to 24. 1,600 are killed each year due to alcohol- related injuries. 75% of these deaths are due to alcohol- related car crashes and 25% to other alcohol- related causes, such as drowning, falls, gunshots, and alcohol/drug poisoning.
How the Body Processes Alcohol Alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream from the stomach and intestinal tract. The blood transports alcohol to the “detoxification center” of the body—the liver. Alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream more quickly than it can be broken down by the liver, and the excess alcohol stays in the blood. Eating food, which keeps alcohol in the stomach longer, allows more alcohol to be broken down before entering the bloodstream.
How to Manage Alcohol Consumption Plan how much you will drink ahead of time. Drink slowly. Eat before and while drinking. Set a limit for yourself, how many drinks, how long you will drink. Don’t drink to avoid problems. Know how to refuse a drink. Don’t drink daily. How to Manage Alcohol Consumption
Types of Tobacco Products Cigarettes Smokeless tobacco Chewing tobacco E-Cigarrettes
Who Uses Tobacco and Why? Most start in adolescence. Psychological reasons for using tobacco Family/friends Peer influence is the most important factor. Those who think their parents don’t care about them Nicotine becomes addicting during the first few years of use. Withdrawal from nicotine causes unpleasant symptoms. A smoker builds tolerance to the effects of nicotine during the day.
Health Effects of Tobacco Use Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. Immediate effects of nicotine and carbon monoxide Increases heart rate and blood pressure Increases metabolic rate The carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke interferes with the red blood cells’ ability to carry oxygen. Chemical compounds in cigarette smoke
Tobacco Use and Respiratory Illness Cilia damage Inability to expel foreign particles: smokers’ cough Acute bronchitis—inflammation of the mucous membranes of the bronchi. Chronic bronchitis—persistent inflammation and thickening of the lining of the bronchi caused by the constant irritation from smoke; can result in death. Pneumonia—inflammation of the lungs Emphysema—a condition in which the air sacs of the lungs lose their normal elasticity
Tobacco and Cardiovascular Disease Coronary artery disease, hypertension, stroke, atherosclerosis Women taking oral contraceptives = higher risk Light cigarettes = same risk 3–9 years after quitting smoking, the risk of death returns to that of a non-smoker.
Tobacco and Cancer Cancer is the second biggest killer of Americans, and tobacco use is responsible for about 30% of cancer deaths and 87% of lung cancer deaths annually in the United States.
Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) ETS can cause lung cancer in nonsmokers, as well as increased risk of cardiovascular disease and respiratory problems. Children: increased respiratory symptoms such as coughing and wheezing and lower respiratory tract infections such as bronchitis, influenza, pneumonia, and asthma Nonsmoking areas adjacent to smoking areas contain unacceptable levels of airborne pollutants unless the areas have separate ventilation systems.
Tobacco and Quitting Most smokers want to quit. Benefits of quitting Lower risk of various diseases and conditions including certain cancers, heart attack, stroke, and chronic lung disease In pregnant women, to reduce the risk of having a low-birth-weight baby Stop exposing family and other people around to second-hand smoke